According to Revelaton 11, how many people will be killed by an earthquake
What is 7000
How did the animals go into the ark.
What is 2 by 2?
The first man was formed from this.
What is dust?
The angel told Zechariah to call his son what name?
What is John?
When Joshua commanded the sun to stop still, for how long did it remain so?
What is a day
The number of the plagues of Egypt.
Name 1/2 of them
What is 10?
Water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils/sores,
hail, loctus, darkness, death of firstborn
What did the angel do to Zechariah when he did not believe his wife was going to have a baby
What is make him unable to speak until after the child was born?
What are the 4 seas named in the old Testament?
What is Red Sea, Dead Sea, Sea of Galiee and Mediterranean Sea?
The number of days and nights it rained during the flood.
The number of days the waters prevailed the earth
What is 40?
What is 150? Genesis 7:24
Man was created on this day.
What is day 6?
According to Matthew 24, what fact are angels not aware of ?
What is the day of Christ's return?
In 1Kings 18 how many times did Elijah go and tell his servant to go and look towards the sea
What is seven times
What is the number of books in the old testament and the number in the new testament.
What is 66 total books in Bible?
Old =. 39
New =. 27
The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses while he was herding sheep in this place or form.
What is the burning bush?
In Ezekiel 5, what is the prophet told to scatter 1/3 of to the wind?
What is his hair?