This is the First Book of the Bible
This man is most known for his ark.
First woman created by God
Man and Woman were created in the Garden.
Adam and Eve
This is the 2nd book of the New Testament
Sun, Moon and Stars were created on this Day
Which disciple of Jesus was a tax collector
Mother of Jesus
Story of how the world came to have many languages
Tower of Babel
What day did God separate the water so that sky appeared above the seas.
Day 2
Simon is also know by what name
Wife of Abraham
Story of the Parting of the Waters
Moses and the Red Sea
Which book is where David battled Goliath. Phillipians, 1 Samuel, 1 Corinthians or 2 Corinthians?
1 Samuel
Humans were created on this Day
Day 6
As a baby, this person was put into a basket on the Nile River
The first person Jesus appeared to after his death
Mary Magdaline
Story where Daniel is thrown into a Pit but not harmed
Lions Den
There are 3 books that start with the Letter R. Name one.
Ruth, Revelations & Romans
When were Fish and Birds created?
Day 5
Who was swallowed by a huge fish and spend three days and night inside its belly.
She was the sister (of Mary) who was so busy with meal prep and homemaking duties that she wasn’t focused on her revered guest, Jesus.
Jesus performing a miracle with Lazarus
Raising of Lazarus from the Dead