Jesus' EARTHLY father
I was the mother of Jesus
Who is Mary
He was swallowed by a big fish
For God so loved_____ ________
What is the world?
Who is Eve
I denied Jesus 3 times
I baptized Jesus
Who is John the Baptist
How long did it rain upon the earth when Noah and his family was in the ark
40 days and 40 nights
I am the ______, and the Omega.
What is Alpha
Jesus expelled 7 demons from her
Who is Mary Magdalene
I was the first man
Who is Adam
I asked Jesus how many times are we to forgive our brother?
He was thrown in a Lion's Den
For by Grace you are saved though__________
What is faith?
Wife of Boaz
Who is Ruth
I sold my birthright to my brother
Who is Esau
I was the beloved apostle
Who is John
Study to show thyself _________ unto God.
What is approved?
Abraham's first wife
I built the ark
Who is Noah
I am the Word
This was Jesus' first public miracle
Turning water into wine
He is _________ and _________ to forgive us our sins......
What is faithful and just?