Knowing New Vision
The Parables of Jesus
Paul's Missionary Journeys
Abraham's Family (Part 2)
Emoji Bible Stories

This is where 3rd-5th Graders Worship on Sundays.

Wisdom Chapel.


What is a parable?

A made up story that teaches a lesson about God or God's Kingdom.


Paul went to the city of Athens. There were many statues of false gods. Paul noticed one special statue that was dedicated to what God, which he used to teach the people about Jesus.

To an unknown god.


Abraham was this old when God gave him Isaac.

100 Years Old.



Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana.


This is where 1st and 2nd graders Worship on Sundays

New Song Chapel.


Jesus told this story to explain why some people respond in faith to the Messiah while others choose to reject him. In this story, people were represented by different types of soil.

The story of the Farmer (Sower)


On his second missionary journey Paul traveled with this man. His name begins with the letter S.



Jacob valued the promise that God made to his grandfather Abraham and his father Isaac. What two things did Jacob trick his brother out of so that he could receive the family promise?

The family birthright and the blessing.



Adam and Eve sin and are kicked out of the garden of Eden.


This is where kindergarten and pre-schoolers worship on Sunday.

Noah's Ark Chapel.


Jesus told this story during his argument with the Pharisees. It answered the question, β€œwho is worthy to enter into God’s Kingdom.” The parable told the history of Israel and how they had rejected God’s invitation to a relationship and God’s promise of heaven.

The story of the wedding feast.


Paul was arrested and sent to this very important city. While traveling there, his boat was shipwrecked. The book of Acts ends with Paul staying there under house arrest.



Abraham’s servant was sent to find a wife for Isaac. The servant prayed to God for help. What sign did the servant ask for which eventually lead him to find Rebekah?

He would ask the woman for a drink of water and she would also offer to get water for his camels.



Noah and the Ark


This is the name of the place where Jr. High and High School worship on Sunday.

Lighthouse Chapel.


Jesus told these three stories about lost things to teach people about how much God loves sinners.

Story of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son.


Paul received a vision of a man from Macedonia asking for help. So Paul left for Macedonia. When he arrived in Philippi, a city in Macedonia, he discovered that the man from his vision was actually a woman named _____ who was a seller of purple cloth. This woman put her trust in Jesus and invited Paul to stay with her family.



When God tested Abraham he told him to sacrifice his son. At the last moment God told Abraham not to harm Isaac but instead sent a ram to be sacrificed. Afterward the sacrifice Abraham named the place on the mountain what?

The Lord will Provide.



Jesus fed 5,000 people.


This is the name of the Chapel where adult English worship is held.

Bridge Chapel


Jesus told these two short stories to teach about the value of God’s Kingdom.

The story of the hidden treasure and story of the pearl.


This city was Paul's first stop on his third missionary journey. The city had a large temple to a false goddess named Artemis. People in this city got mad at Paul for teaching about Jesus and they chased him out of the city shouting, "Great is Artemis of ______"



When Jacob and Esau were born they were already fighting against each other. Esau was born first and was given his name because he was born looking red and hairy. How did Jacob get his name?

Jacob comes from the word β€˜heel’ or to overthrow. Jacob was given the name because when he was born he was grabbing his brothers foot.



Jonah ran from God, got swallowed by a whale, went to Nineveh and then sat under a tree and complained to God.