He "prepared the way" for Jesus by baptizing with water.
Who is John the Baptist.
How many times is the word believe mentioned in the book of John. (90, 95, 98
What is 98
In the beginning was the ____, and the ____ was with God, and the _____ was God.
What is "Word."
This is one of the most important scriptures in John 3:16. "For God so ____d the w____ that he gave his ___ and only Son, that whoever b_______s in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
what is loved, world, one, believes
Which John wrote the Gospel of John.
Who is the apostle John or my beloved disciple?
This is where Jesus was crucified. It begins with a G.
What is Golgatha/Calvary/the Skull.
Name at least one miracle that is listed in the book of John only.
What is wedding banquet, raise Lazurus from the dead, feeding of the 5000, sight restored,
He is the ______. the _________ and the _________.
What is way, truth and Life
The names of the friends Jesus visited the most.
Who are Mary Martha and Lazurus?
This disciple "whose name means twin.
Who is Thomas (called Didymus).
This is the "room" where Jesus had the Last Supper.
What is the Upper Room.
The shepherd used this gather his sheep
What is his voice?
The disciple Jesus told his disciples to find after he was resurrected?
What is "Peter?"
The Pharisee who came to Jesus at night and learned that no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born again.
Who is Nicodemus.
Jesus used this as a metaphor for peace.
the c - - - - - n of the sea.
What is cushion?
the place Jesus went after he seem to lie to his brothers.
What is the temple?
Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the _____ and the ____ will set you free."
What is "truth."
The name of the father-n-law that captured Jesus? Pilate, Caiaphas or Annas
What is Caiaphas
Zebedee is the father of which disciples
Who is James and John
Jesus said this is the place where the sheep enter-I am
What is the door?
Jesus went to this place after his left the upper room. Its the first time, it was called this.
What is Garden?
By this, all men will know that you are [Jesus'] disciples, if you _______________.
What is "love one another."
What is I am?