Israel Tribes
It Says in This Book
Israel has this many tribes. 以色列有這麼多個支派。
What is TWELVE? 十二個
This book says "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." 這卷書說: "起初,神創造天地。"
What is GENESIS?(1:1) 創世記(1:1)
The Lord Jesus Christ is from this tribe. 主耶穌出自這個支派。
What is THE TRIBE OF JUDAH? 猶大支派
"…house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." (Bonus for another 200: Name the chapter and the verse.) "這家就是永生神的教會,真理的柱石和根基。" (說出哪章哪節可得200分額外獎勵)
What is 1 TIMOTHY?(3:15) 提摩太前書(3章15節)
These are the two and a half tribes east of the Jordan. (約旦)河東兩個半支派是指這些支派。
What are REUBEN, GAD, and THE HALF TRIBE OF MANASSEH 流便支派、迦得支派、瑪拿西半支派
"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophesy, and keep those things which are written in it, for the time is near." "念這書上預言的和那些聽見又遵守其中所記載的,都是有福的,因為日期近了 。"
What is REVELATION?(1:3) 啟示錄(1:3)
Prophet Ezekiel is from this tribe. 先知以西結出自這個支派。
What is LEVI/LEVITES(Ezekiel 1:3 - because he is a priest) 利未支派(以西結書1:3 - 因為他是祭司)
"To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams." (Hint: Old Testament) "聽命勝於獻祭;順從勝於公羊的脂油。" (提示:舊約)
What is 1 SAMUEL?(15:22) 撒母耳記上(15:22)
God said He will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. The Bible says five hundred men from this tribe went to destroyed the remnant of the Amalekites who escaped. (Hint: 1 Chronicles) 神說要將亞瑪力人的名號從天下全然塗抹了。聖經記載這一支派的人中有五百人去殺了逃脫剩下的亞瑪力人。(提示:歷代誌上)
What is THE TRIBE OF SIMEON?(1 Chronicles 4:42-43) 西緬支派(歷代誌上4:42-43)
"This is how we know that He lives in us: We know it by the Spirit He gave us." "我們所以知道神住在我們裡面是因他所賜給我們的聖靈。"
What is 1 JOHN?(3:24b) 約翰壹書(3:24下)