JW Facts
Bible Characters
Bible Scriptures
Memorial of Jesus' Death
Our Congregation

What was God's first creation?

Who is Jesus Christ?


Who was the FIRST HUMAN witness of Jehovah?

Who is Abel?


Where can we find God's name in the bible?

What is Psalms 83:18


How old was Jesus when he got baptized?

What is 30?


What is your favorite thing about our hall?

Any answer goes... automatic points


What is the most translated website today?

What is JW.Org?


What was the name of the king who tried to kill David? What was his reason for doing so?

What is Saul; He becomes jealous over the fact that David is being celebrated by the people.


Where can we find the Gospel from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount? Hint: Covers much Practical application and wisdom we can still rely on today.

What is Matthew chapter 5-7?


How does the ransom work?

What is...

In the Bible, the term “ransom” involves the following three elements:

  1. It is a payment.—Numbers 3:46, 47.

  2. It brings about a release, or redemption.—Exodus 21:30.

  3. It corresponds to the value of what is paid for, or covers it. *


What is the title of this years 2018-2019 circuit assembly called? Hint: With Branch Representative

What is Be Strong!


Where do people go when they die?

What is the grave, or back to dust?


Who was the strongest man in the bible? What made him weak?

What is Samson; De·li′lah cuts his hair


On the night before he died, Jesus told his followers to commemorate his death. He said:

“Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”


What is Matt. 24:14 and Matt. 28:19,20


What did Jesus die on?

What is a torture stake?


What day is the 2019 Memorial of Jesus Christ Death?

What is April 19th?


What are JW beliefs all based on?

What is the bible?


Name the first two humans.

Who is Adam and Eve?


Which bible verse lists the two greatest commandments? What are they?

What is Matt. 22:37-40; Love Jehovah with your whole heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself.


Why did Jesus specifically have to die for all humans?

What is because Adam, lost perfect life for all humans when he disobeyed Jehovah.(Read Romans 5:19.) Jesus, who never sinned, had to give his perfect life as the ransom. (1 Corinthians 15:45) His perfect life could be used to remove death for all of Adam’s children.—1 Corinthians 15:21, 22. 


Who studies the bible with us?

Who is Karen and Suresh Devanini?


How many lands are JW in?

What is 240?


Which bible character do you look forward to meeting the most in the paradise and why?

What is ....? Any answer Goes... free points


What is YOUR favorite bible verse and why?

What is ...? Any answer goes... automatic points


What do you appreciate the most about Jesus' ransom sacrifice?

Free points... speak from the heart.


What time has the Sunday Meeting switched to?

What is 1:00PM?