Bible Characters
Bible Scriptures
Jesus & Jehovah
Kingdom Melodies &
Original Songs

The year Jesus was established on his throne.

What is 1914?


__________ are the names of Moses' siblings.

Who are Miriam and Aaron?


Share the Bible Scripture where God's name can be found.

What is Psalms 83:18?


This is the age of Jesus when he got baptized.

What is 30?


Finish this original song line:  But to have your love forever / is a real and lasting treasure/ you alone will prove to be/ ____  _____  ____________

What is Our Joy Eternally?


_____________ is the original name of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Who are the Bible Students?


This is the jealous king who tried to kill David.

Who is Saul?


Give the name of the Bible book that lists the nine (9) fruitages of the spirit.

What is Ga.5:22, 23?

The nine (9) fruitages of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self control.


List at least three (3) of Jehovah's titles. 

What is: Lord, Almighty God, Creator, King of Eternity, Ancient of Days, and the Alpha and the Omega, Repurchaser, Abba?


Complete the last 3 lines of the chorus in "How does it make you feel?" : It makes us glad and we rejoice, ...

What is "to give our heart and mind and voice, so may our sacrifice of praise, continue all our days?"

__________ is the name of the man who initially  founded and formally organized the Bible Students

Who is Charles Taze Russell?


The strongest man in the Bible.

Who  is Samson?


These are the two Bible Gospel books and chapters that  support our preaching work.

What are Matt. 24:14 and Matt. 28:19,20?


The age Jesus' got "lost" from his family.

What is 12 years old?


This was the name of the first Caleb and Sofia kingdom melody/song/video.

What is Listen, Obey and Be Blessed?


___________ is the name of the brother who most recently joined the Governing Body and is actively involved in attending and reporting our  Russian brothers/sister's legal challenges.

Who is Mark Sanderson?


Name the two (2) Bible books named after women.

Who are Ruth and Esther?


This is the Bible chapter and verses that list the two greatest commandments.

What is Matt. 22:37-40?


List all four (4) of Jehovah's main qualities citing first the quality that surpasses them all.

What are: love, power, justice, and wisdom?


This was the 2018 Love Never Fails (original) theme song.

What is Unfailing Love?


Name at least FOUR (4) members of the Governing Body

Who are:  D. H. Splane, A. Morris III, D. M. Sanderson, G. W. Jackson, M. S. Lett., S. F. Herd, G. Lösch?


Give the Bible character you look forward to meeting the most in paradise and two reasons why.

Who is ...? and the two reason why are...


Share your favorite Bible verse and give up to two (2) reasons why.

What is ... and here is/are my one/two (2) reason(s) why.


According to the Book of Exodus, tell what Jehovah's name means AND the significance of what it means.

What is “He Causes to Become” and that He can “prove to be,” or choose to become, whatever is needed in order to fulfill His promises.


This original (convention theme) song has the line "there are more with us than against us".

What is Give Me Courage?