Bible Characters
Bible Scriptures
Jesus & Jehovah
Our Congregation
What year was Jesus established on his throne?
What is 1914?
What are the names of Moses' siblings?
What is Miriam and Aaron?
Where can we find God's name in the bible?
What is Psalms 83:18
How old was Jesus when he got baptized?
What is 30

What day and time are our meetings held??

What is Sundays 10am Thursdays 7:30?


Before being called Jehovah's Witnesses, what where they known as? What year did the name change?

What is the Bible Students; 1931

What was the name of the king who tried to kill David? What was his reason for doing so?
What is Saul; He becomes jealous over the fact that David is being celebrated by the people.
Where can we find the qualities of the fruitage of the spirit? What are they?
What is Ga.5:22, 23; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self control.
List some of Jehovah's titles. (At least three)
What is Lord, Almighty God, Creator, King of eternity

Who are the elders in our congregation?

Who is Jared Scott, Mumuni Tahiru, Seiji Cason, Britton Field, Sam Head, Roger Rodriguez, Felicisimo Quipot, Jeff Chalas, Manny Contreras, Ken Danhouser? 

Who initially founded the Bible students?
What is Charles Taze Russell?
Who was the strongest man in the bible? What made him weak?
What is Samson; De·li′lah cuts his hair
What two verses is our preaching work based on?
What is Matt. 24:14 and Matt. 28:19,20
Name all 12 of Jesus' apostles.
What is Simon (Peter), Andrew, James(son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Judas (Thaddaeus) Thomas, Matthew, James, Simon, Judas.

Who are the ministerial servants in our congregation?

Who is Paul Bursack, Keith Timms, Jorge Sabido, Nejon Quipot, Dorian Codrington, Michael Ramirez?


What is the name of the brother who most recently joined the Governing Body?

What is kenneth Cook?

Name the 12 sons of Jacob.
What is Reu'ben, Sim'eon, Le'vi, Judah, Is'sachar, Ze'bulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, and Naph'tali, Gad, and Asher
Which bible verse lists the two greatest commandments? What are they?
What is Matt. 22:37-40; Love Jehovah with your whole heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Name Jehovah's four main qualities. Which one surpasses all?
What is power, justice, wisdom, love; love

How many regular pioneers do we have? Name 10 of them.

What is 26? 


Name at least FOUR members of the Governing Body

What is David Splane, Anthony Morris III, Mark Sanderson, Geofrey Jackson, M. S. Lett., Sam Herd, Gerett Lösch, Kenneth Cook

Which bible character do you look forward to meeting the most in the paradise and why?
What is ....?
What is YOUR favorite bible verse and why?
What is ...?
What does Jehovah's name mean? What does this mean?
What is “He Causes to Become.” He can “prove to be,” or choose to become, whatever is needed in order to fulfill His promises.

What is the address of the Kingdom Hall?

9539 Foulks Ranch Dr