What year did we become a congregation?
What is August 2021
Who are the elders in our congrgation?
What is Br Miketta, Br Benink, Br Mboizi, Br Liebe, Br Viedt, Br Kalu, Br Julpe
Who are the ministerial servants in our congregation?
What is Br Nyanneh, Br Eyube, Br Chapotarongo, Br Ezerih
How many regular pioneers do we have? Name them.
What is 15. The Ezerihs, the Heidemanns, The Kalus, the Merciers, Sister Viedt, Marina Heidemann, Br Mboizi, the Mikettas, Sister Ostrowska, Sister Samson
Where do all the members of the congregation come from?
What is Nigeria, Philippines, Germany, Spain, USA, Sudan, Ghana, Liberia,