What year was Jesus established on his throne?
What is 1914?
Who are they?
Caleb and Sophia
Name the first 5 books of the bible.
And these books are typically known as the____?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Called the Pentateuch
What date is the Memorial this year?
March 24th
John 1:1 "In the beginning was the _____"? and who was it?
Word and Jesus
Name this book in its ENITRETY.
Name the title of this brochure?
Listen to God and Live Forever!
Sling Shot
Name the LOCATION of this sign in the background?
Warwick Bethel
Name the YEAR of the Imitate Jesus convention?
Name these books below-
What year did the European Court judge against Russia for persecuting JW's?
Name the two men- Meek, Humble, Generous. Haughty, Angry, Selfish
Ask for Hint if needed
Cain and Able
How many books in the Christain Greek Scriptures?
Where does this Icon Link take you to online?