Bible Characters
Bible Scriptures
Jehovah & Jesus
Our Congregation
In this year Jesus began ruling as King of God's Kingdom
What is 1914?
Name Moses' siblings
Who are Miriam and Aaron?
This verse is the most commonly used to show people God's name
What is Psalms 83:18?
Jesus was this old when he was baptized
What is 30?
In what year was the congregation established?
What is 1958?
Prior to this year, Jehovah's Witnesses were called this
What is 1931, Bible Students?
This king tried to kill David for this reason
Who is Saul; He becomes jealous over the fact that David is being celebrated by the people?
These 9 things are aspects of the fruitage of the spirit and can be found here
What is Ga.5:22, 23; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self control?
List at least three of Jehovah's titles.
What is God, Creator, Father, the Almighty, the Most High, Lord?
These 10 are worthy of double honor because they shepherd our congregation
Who are Br Brooks, Br Gustafson, Br Stone, Br Alfrey, Br Douglas, Br Welch, Br Fritch, Br McNabb, Br Seese, Br Waytho?
This brother formed a Bible Study Group in 1870, beginning a systematic study of the Bible
Who is Charles Taze Russell?
This Nazarite was the strongest man in the Bible but this caused him to become weak
Who is Samson; De·li′lah cuts his hair
These 2 verses in Matthew show our commission to preach the good news
What are Matt. 24:14 and Matt. 28:19,20?
These are the 12 apostles of Jesus
Who are Simon (Peter), Andrew, James(son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Judas (Thaddaeus) Thomas, Matthew, James, Simon, Judas?
Who are the ministerial servants in our congregation?
Who are Br Fry, Br Toomey, Br Esterline, Br Hoorman?
This anointed brother was the most recently added to the Governing Body
Who is Mark Sanderson?
Name the 12 sons of Jacob.
Who are Reu'ben, Sim'eon, Le'vi, Judah, Is'sachar, Ze'bulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, and Naph'tali, Gad, and Asher?
Jesus listed these as the 2 greatest commandments in these verses in the Bible book of Matthew
What is Matt. 22:37-40; Love Jehovah with your whole heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
These are Jehovah's 4 dominant qualities but only this one surpasses the others
What is power, justice, wisdom, love; love
For these 9, a large door of activity has been opened to them to be full time servants of Jehovah
Who are Gordy & Heidi, Ann, Mary Ellen, Jason & Holly, Ron & Brenda, Mary Anne?
Name at least FOUR members of the Governing Body
Who are D. H. Splane, A. Morris III, D. M. Sanderson, G. W. Jackson, M. S. Lett., S. F. Herd, G. Lösch
He was sold into slavery by his brothers then thrown into prison as an innocent man
Who is Joseph?
This scripture helps us appreciate that Jehovah teaches us for our own benefit but we must pay attention to receive his blessings
What is Isaiah 48:17-18?
Jehovah's name is unique to him because it has this meaning
What is “I Will Become What I Choose to Become” or, “I Will Prove to Be What I Will Prove to Be?" What he himself chooses to become and includes what he causes to happen with regard to his creation and the accomplishment of his purpose.
Those serving as these make up the Service Committee
What is the Coordinator (Jason Douglas), the Service Overseer (Ron Seese) and the Secretary (Jason Alfrey)?