The street address of our current kingdom hall.
16728 Longdraft Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
The year God's Kingdom was established.
Noah's three sons.
Shem, Ham, Japeth.
The newest member of the Governing Body.
Brother Kenneth Cook, Jr.
"Now that the final days are here."
The lyric above is from this original song.
The Best Life Ever
Before we were Longdraft Tagalog, our congregation was known as this.
Rockville Tagalog Congregation.
The very first witness of Jehovah.
The ninth plague on Egypt.
The governing body's role in Jehova's earthly organization.
To provide and supply spiritual food to "his (Jesus') domestics."
The music video for this original song vividly portrays Joseph's story from the Bible.
"Never Alone"
15108 Frederick Rd Suite A, Rockville, MD 20850 is the address of this local Southeast Asian restaurant.
KC Filipino Restaurant
The year we adopted the name "Jehovah's Witnesses."
This person sees Jesus in vision while on the road to Damascus.
Saul (Paul).
The governing body is directed by Jehovah in these three ways.
Holy Spirit, angels, and God's word the Bible.
The title of the original song released for the 2018 regional convention.
"Give Me Courage"
The number of publishers from Longdraft that went to Newport.
The third president of the Watch Tower Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
Brother Nathan Knorr.
Belshazzar is the grandson of this Babylonian king.
King Nebuchadnezzar.
These are the six committees established by the governing body to oversee our global work.
Coordinators’ Committee, Personnel Committee, Publishing Committee, Service Committee, Teaching Committee, and Writing Committee
The first line in the original song, "Imagine the Time."
"Life is hard, and it wears us down."
The theme of our last district convention.
“God’s Word Is Truth!”
"The Photo-Drama of Creation," which premiered on January 11, 1914, had a runtime of this many hours.
8 hours.
Moses dies on top of this mountain.
Mount Nebo.
The members of the first-century governing body.
The 12 apostles (including Matthias).
James, John, Andrew, Peter, Judas (Thaddeus), Nathanael, Philip, James (son of Alphaeus), Thomas, Matthew, Simon, Matthias
These are all the countries mentioned in the closing lines of the original song, "We're Your Family."
"Fiji, Tahiti, and New Caledonia—
Navajo, Blackfoot, and Cherokee—
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Estonia—
We love you. We’re your family.”