Kings & Pharaohs
Bible Verses
Bible Characters
Cities & Towns
Bible Prophecies

This King was considered the richest and the wisest.

Who is Salomon?


"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

What is Genesis 1:1? 


This character was appointed by Jehovah to assist Moses in Egypt

Who is Aaron?


Jehovah’s law on the sanctity of blood was very explicit. But what about the unintentional manslayer? Jehovah lovingly provided this city where the accidental shedder of blood could find protection and asylum from the avenger of blood.

What is the city of Refuge? 


This Bible prophecy states: “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel”.

What is Genesis 3:15? 


This King started humble but ended arrogant. So bad that it made the prophet Samuel terribly upset.

Who is Saul?


In this verse, Jesus responded to Satan to his first temptation.

What is Matthew 4:4? 


This mother received a gift from Jehovah. She later brings that very same gift to the tabernacle so that he can serve there.

Who is Hannah?


This city’s name was given to the city of Jebus after David conquered it and built his royal residence there. It is the southeastern part as well as the oldest part of Jerusalem.

What is the city of Zion? 


This Bible Prophecy states: “At that time the lame will leap like the deer, And the tongue of the speechless will shout for joy”.

What is Isaiah 35:6?


This person was the first human King in the Bible, even though he did not receive the title of King. 

Who is Nimrod?



"May mercy and peace and love be increased to you" 

What is Jude 2?


This character moved to Moab during a famine that affected Bethlehem. After her husband and two sons died, she returned with her daughter-in-law.

Who is Naomi?


This town was assigned to the tribe of Asher as part of its inheritance. It was East-South-east of Acco. 

What is the town of Cabul? 


This Bible Prophecy involves a dream of a king. In his dream there was a large tree. You have to say the two verses to get credit. 

What is Daniel 4:10, 11?


This person was considered as a god, but he stubbornly refused to listen to Jehovah. Avoid him like the "plague".

Who is the Egyptian Pharaoh?


“That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned”

What is Roman 5:12? 


This character was sold by his brothers and then ended up in Egypt as the second in command. 

Who is Joseph? 


A Bible prophecy states that this city was protected by a river and by large gates. But, the river dried up and the gates were left open and the city was destroyed. This was fulfilled 200 years later.

What is the city of Babylon?


This Bible Prophecy states that "death will be no more".

What is Revelation 21:4? 


This King sang this song: "Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be joyful; Declare among the nations: 'Jehovah has become King!'"

Who is King David?


"May undeserved kindness and peace be increased to you by an accurate knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord"

What is 2 Peter 1:2? 


This character was outnumbered in battle (450 to 1). But in the end, he defeated the Midianites, Amalekites and the Easterners. 

Who is Gideon? 


This city is not an earthly city. In fact, it is symbolic, and will rule over the “new earth”.

What is the New Jerusalem?


God promises us that there will be no shortage of food.

What is Psalm 72:16?