LOVE was first mentioned in the bible.
What is Genesis?
Rained for ___ days and ____ nights.
What is 40?
The place where Jesus was born.
The angel rolled this back from Jesus' tomb?
What is a stone?
The man climbed a tree to see Jesus.
Who is Zacchaeus?
"We love because _________" (1 John 4:19)
What is He first loved us?
What is 39?
Daniel prayed to God after it was not allowed, the place he was thrown into.
What is the lion's den?
The angel told Mary to call her son this name?
Who is Jesus?
Jesus was baptized by.
Who is John the Baptist?
Jesus says we should LOVE our ________ instead of hate?
What are enemies?
The number of plaques of Eqypt.
What is 10?
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments at ________.
What is Mt. Sinai?
The angel shut up this animal's mouth for Daniel.
What is a lion?
The place where Jesus was born.
What is Bethlehem?
Known as the LOVE chapter
What is 1 Corinthians 13?
Jesus used this many loaves to feed 5000 men.
What is 5?
The city where God knocked the walls down when the Israelietes marched around it.
What is Jericho?
The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses while he was herding sheep in this place or form.
What is the burning bush?
Jesus wore a crown made of this.
What are thorns?
Bible couple secretly withheld a portion of the money
Who are Ananias & Sapphira?
Books in the Bible.
What is 66?
What is the New Jerusalem?
The name of the angel that fought with others against the dragon.
Who is Michael?
Age of Jesus at the time of his baptism.
What is 30's?