Bible Numbers
Old Testament Promises
People of the Bible
Books of the Bible

This is the location of where the first Passover took place.

What is Egypt?


This many men went to give gifts to Jesus as a young child.

What is three?


God promised to Not to exercise wrath upon the earth with a flood to this man.

Who is Noah?


These two people were the first two humans that existed. They were the ones who committed the first sin in the Garden of Eden

Who are Adam and Eve?


This is the first book of the Bible.

What is Genesis?


The way the dates are chose for Passover is through this cycle which differs from the way Easter's date are calculated.

What is cycles of the moon?


This is the amount of commandments that God gave to Moses.

What is ten?


God promised He would make them a royal nation, a priestly people, His most treasured possession if they obeyed.

Who is Moses and the Israelities?


This person said the following, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, The Beginning and the End"

Who is Jesus.


This is the last book of the Bible.

What is Revelation?


This herb is dipped in salt water to remember the tears of being in slavery and today those who are lost in sin.

What is Parsley?

The number of apostles that Jesus chose.

What is twelve?


God promised through this man's line of decendants would be a King who would rule forever.

Who is King David?


This person was considered to be a man after God's own heart and is most famous for defeating the giant Goliath when he was only a shepherd boy.

Who is King David?

The number of total books in the bible.

What is sixty-six?


This is the what the third cup of wine represents in the Seder meal. It is also what Jesus did for us.

What is redemption?

This is the number of fruit of spirit gifts.

What is nine.


This man is the mediator of the new covenant according to Hebrews 9:15.

Who is Jesus?


This person was an orphan girl who was raised by her Uncle Mordecai and eventually became Queen and who was courageous in saving the Jewish people.

Who is Esther?


This is the third book of the Gospels.

What is Luke?


This is the reason why Passover first existed and why it is important for us to understand it's history. 

What is train future generations of what God has done for us?


The number of Tribes of Israel.

What is twelve?


How will the new covenant take effect?

What is by Jesus shedding His blood for us?


This man was one of Jesus' closest friends - along with Peter and James - and he got to share in some of the most important moments of Jesus' life.

Who is John.


The number of books just in the New Testament

What is twenty-seven?