Bible Books
Bible Characters
Bible Prophecy (hard)
Bible Scriptures
Bible Accounts
How many men did Jehovah inspire to write the bible?
The first FAITHFUL worshiper of Jehovah was _ ?
Genesis 3:15 is the first prophecy in the bible. The second portion says : "He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel." What does the first part say?
And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring.
What does Genesis 6:9 say about Noah? (Qualities of Noah)
Noah was a RIGHTEOUS man. He proved himself FAULTLESS among his contemporaries. Noah walked with the true God.
How many people did Jehovah "preserve alive" during the flood of Noah's time? Men? Women? Children?
8, Noah & Wife Their 3 sons & 3 wives
Which bible book is the largest?
On one visit to Shiloh, _____vowed to Jehovah that if she could bear a son, she would give him to Jehovah, for His service. Seeing her lips move as she prayed inaudibly, High Priest Eli at first suspected that she had overindulged in wine and was drunk.
Who is this prophecy about... 5 As I kept watching, look! there was a male goat+ coming from the west* crossing the surface of the whole earth without touching the ground. And the goat had a conspicuous horn between its eyes.+ 6 It was coming toward the ram with the two horns, which I had seen standing before the watercourse; it was running toward it in a powerful rage. 7 I saw it closing in on the ram, and it was filled with bitterness toward it. It struck down the ram and broke its two horns, and the ram was powerless to stand up to it. It threw the ram to the ground and trampled it down, and there was no one to rescue it from its power.*
1. Alexander the Great, son of Philip II of Macedonia and his wife Olympias, born at Pella in 356 B.C.E. Although not mentioned by name in the Bible, his rule of the fifth world empire was foretold two centuries before his birth.—Da 8:5-7, 20, 21. In his early 20’s, two years after ascending the throne following the assassination of his father, Alexander set out to conquer the world. (Da 8:5)
Jehovah's name is recorded over 7,000 times in the bible. Other than Ps 83:18, where else can it be found?
See scriptures
After the flood, WHY did mankind begin to build a tower "with its top in the heavens" ?
“Come! Let us build a city for ourselves and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a CELEBRATED NAME for ourselves, so that we will not be SCATTERED over the entire face of the earth.”
Jehovah's name occurs mostly in the Hebrew-Aramaic (Old Testament). However what BOOK does it appear the most ?
Psalms - 780 times! Jeremiah - 729 Deuteronomy - 552 Isaiah - 480 Ezekiel - 441
Who was the FIRST KING in the bible? (Having Jehovah's favor or not)
Nimrod, a descendant of Ham, was the first human king of Bible record. He ruled over a kingdom that included several cities in Mesopotamia. He was a rebel against Jehovah’s sovereignty.—Ge 10:6, 8-10.
The Bible prophecies relating to ___?__conquest of Babylon foretold that its rivers would be dried up and its gates left unshut, that there would be a sudden invasion of the city and a lack of resistance on the part of Babylon’s soldiers. (Isa 44:27; 45:1, 2; Jer 50:35-38; 51:30-32)
Cyrus the Great
Name the scripture The Rock, perfect is his activity,+ For all his ways are justice.+ A God of faithfulness+ who is never unjust;+ Righteous and upright is he.+
Deu 32:4
When Joseph was imprisoned , he interpreted the dreams of 2 men. Who were they ?
One was the king’s chief baker; the other was the chief cupbearer.—Genesis 40:1-3.
There are 12 books referred as "minor prophets"... Name 4 of them.
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
____?___enjoyed a life span of 969 years, the longest of Bible record, and one that has become proverbial for longevity.
Jacob’s fourth son by his wife Leah. In his deathbed prophecy, Jacob foretold that a great and lasting ruler would come from __?____ family line.
We look forward to the new world. Name 2 scriptures that speak about the blessings in the new world.
See scriptures
In three instances in the Bible record, Jehovah is reported as speaking audibly to humans. Name the 3 accounts.
(1) At the time of Jesus’ baptism (29 C.E.), when Jehovah said: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.” Both Jesus and John the Baptizer undoubtedly heard this voice. (Mt 3:17; Mr 1:11; Lu 3:22) (2) At Jesus’ transfiguration (32 C.E.), with the apostles Peter, James, and John present, when virtually the same words were uttered. (Mt 17:5; Mr 9:7; Lu 9:35) (3) In 33 C.E., shortly before Jesus’ last Passover, when, responding to Jesus’ request that God glorify his name, a voice from heaven said: “I both glorified it and will glorify it again.” The crowd thought that it had thundered or that an angel had spoken to Jesus.—Joh 12:28, 29.
How many books & letters did the disciple Paul write?
14 ! Over half the Christian Greek Scriptures! (23 total)
To whom do the titles “the Alpha and the Omega” and “the First and the Last” refer?
The title “the Alpha and the Omega” applies to Jehovah, stressing that there was no almighty God before him and that there will be none after him. He is “the beginning and the end.” (Rev. 21:6; 22:13) Although Jehovah is referred to as “the first and the last” at Revelation 22:13, in that there is none before or after him, the context in the first chapter of Revelation shows that the title “the First and the Last” there applies to Jesus Christ. He was the first human to be resurrected to immortal spirit life and the last one to be so resurrected by Jehovah personally.—Col. 1:18.
Revelation mentions a "Wild Beast", however Daniel describes this "Wild Beast". What "4 huge beasts" are mentioned in Daniel?
The Bible book of Daniel sheds much light on the meaning of symbolic beasts. Chapter 7 contains a vivid tableau of “four huge beasts”—a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a fearsome beast with big teeth of iron. (Daniel 7:2-7)
Name 5 of the 10 Plagues Jehovah brought upon Egypt through Moses
Nile becomes blood: it-1 838, 976; it-2 502 second, frogs: it-1 874, 976 third, gnats: it-1 964, 976 fourth, gadflies: it-1 878, 976 fifth, pestilence on livestock: it-1 976 sixth, boils: it-1 350, 976 seventh, hail: it-1 839-840, 976, 1020 eighth, locusts: it-1 976; it-2 260-261 ninth, darkness: it-1 976; it-2 1043 tenth, firstborn dies: it-1 835, 976; it-2 582; w04 3/15 25-26; si 22
Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus' 12 Apostles. However after his betrayal he was replaced by who?
Two candidates were proposed and lots were cast, resulting in Matthias being chosen “to take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas deviated to go to his own place.”—Ac 1:15, 16, 20-26.