Bible Characters
Scriptures 2
Bible Trivia
Bible Trivia 2
What was the name of the Giant that David fought?
What does Psalm 83:18 explain to us?
That God's name is Jehovah.
What is the first book in the bible?
Why did Moses have to run away from Egypt?
He killed an Egyptian, trying to protect his Israelites brothers.
What is the name of Jacob's twin brother?
What is Esau.
Who was known as Jehovah's friend?
What is Abraham.
What does John 3:16 talk about?
God loves us so much that he gave his only begotten son. So that we may have a chance for everlasting life.
What is the last book in the bible?
Why was Adam and Eve's eating from tree, of knowledge of good and bad, wrong?
Jehovah commanded them not to. The did not want to Jehovah to make the rules, they wanted to make their own. They were not loyal friends of Jehovah.
Why are meetings important? Bonus x2 if you use a scripture.
Encourage each other to keep doing good things. So we can strengthen each other by our comments. We are taught how to avoid Satan's traps. Hebrews 10:24-25
Who said Where you will go, I will go, and where you live I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God wil be my God. Where you die I will die, and that is where I will be buried.
What scripture tells us to be obedient to our parents?
What is Ephesians 6:1-3
What scripture tells us that "All scriptures are inspired by God?"
What is 2 Timothy 3:16
What did Jehovah create so that Noah would know that Jehovah would never cause a worldwide flood to destroy the world again?
What is a rainbow.
What caused Dinah to get into trouble?
She spent time with the Cananites and made close friends with those that did not serve Jehovah. Bad association spoils useful habits.
Who was tested by Satan, and told by his wife to curse God and die?
What is Job.
What scripture explains to us what the Paradise will be like?
What is Rev. 21:3-4
What scripture teaches us what kind of things we can pray for?
What is Mathew 6: 9-13
What was the name of the man that was in oposition to Jehovah and told the people at that time to build a large tower. He was also know as a hunter of men.
What is Nimrod.
Why did Joseph's brother's sell him as a slave to Egypt?
Jealous. He was his father's favorite, and he had dreams that he envisioned his brothers bowing to him.
What was the name of the youngest of Jacob's 12 sons?
What is Benjamin
What scripture teaches us what the secret is to gaining everlasting life?
John 17:3
What scripture says "For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable;
What is Romans 1:20
What 2 dreams did Joseph interpret of the Phar'aoh and what did they mean?
What is 7 skinny cows ate up 7 fat cows. Seven full head of grain were eaten up by 7 thin heads of grain. This was a prophesy stating that there would be 7 years of a lot of food, and 7 years of famine.
Why is Enoch known as a brave man?
When Enoch was alive he was the the only servant of Jehovah, and preached telling people that they needed to stop there bad ways.