For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes om him shall not perish but have ________ life.
John 3:16
3 Hebrews Boys
This person give birth to Samuel
This miracle took place at a wedding in Cana of Galilee
Jesus turned water into wine
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not _____.
Psalms 23:1
This person betrayed Jesus before he was cruxified
She was a successful women who sold purple cloth
This person was cruxified on the cross
The 3 Hebrews was caste into the fiery furance however when looking into the furance there was 4 who is the 4th person
Daniel 3:8-25
Judge not ye but not be _______
Matthew 7:1
This person doubted Jesus and wouldn't believe at least he saw himself
This person saved the Jews by telling them to fast for 3 days and 3 nights
The number of day that Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness
40 days and 40 nights
This allowed the Iraselites to escape from the Egyptians
Moses parting the Red Sea
Therefore we are sourrouded by so great cloud of _______ let us throw off anything that ______ us.
witnesses, hinder
Hebrews 12:1
This person loses everything his wife and children, livestock, and wealth
This women disobey God and did not listen when he told her not to eat from the forbidden tree
"But seek first his ________ and his _________ righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well"
kingdom, righteousness
Matthew 6:33
What did Jesus used to feed 5000
5 loaves and 2 fish
"My ____ is all you need, for my power is the greatest when you are _____."
grace, weak
This person wrote the book of Galatians, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians
The first female judge in the History of Christianity
Name 2 out of the nine Fruits of the Spirit
Love, Gentlenessm Joy, Peace, Goodness, Faithfulness, Kindness, Patience
Jesus healed the 2 blind men in this city