Bible Original Songs
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'Jehovah, Give Me Eyes of Faith and Help Me Always See, There Are More With Us than Against Us..'

What is the Original Song 'Give Me Courage'?


The name given by Jehovah to Abram (meaning “Father Is High (Exalted)”) when he was 99 years old, and when God was reaffirming His promise that Abraham’s offspring would become many.—Ge 17:5.  

Who is Abraham? 


In Matthew chapters 5-7, Jesus teaches the crowd in a powerful way.  This account is also known as the....

What is the Sermon on the Mount?


The number of individual books from Genesis to Revelation that make up the Bible canon.

What is 66?


During Pentecost 33 CE, the presence of God’s spirit was manifested in that some (how many) disciples were miraculously speaking in different tongues.

What is 120?


And I love you even though I never met you before...

What is the Original Song 'Joy of Conventions?'


A Syrian army chief. His wife’s Israelite slave girl who told of a prophet in Samaria who could cure his leprosy.

Who is Naaman?


And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come

What is Matthew 24:14?


The Bible was originally written in these three languages.

What is Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek?


The chest made of acacia wood and overlaid with gold, which was kept in the Most Holy of the tabernacle and later in the Most Holy of the temple built by Solomon. It had a solid gold cover with two cherubs facing each other. Its principal contents were the two tablets of the Ten Commandments.

What is the Ark of the Covenant?


Look around us now, see the love on each face.  Out there in the world hard to find.

What is the Original Song 'Unfailing Love.'


After his father was killed and the execution of the conspirators, this eight-year-old became king of Judah.

Who is King Josiah?


For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome

What is 1 John 5:3?


Who did Jehovah use to write the Book of Job?

Who is Moses?


The Hebrew word Sheol and Greek word Hades is translated as the common ______ of ______.

What is the Common Grave of Mankind?


Because he gave me courage when I was feeling weak, courage when I could not speak, courage in my darkest night... courage to trust him with my life...

What is the Original Song 'Jehovah is Always By Our Side.'?


Jehovah used this Israelite Judge along with only 300 men to save Israel against an army of about 135,000 Midianites.

Who is Gideon?


For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name by ministering and continuing to minister to the holy ones

What is Hebrews 6:10?


Songs of praise to God. The words were set to music and sung by worshippers, including in public worship of Jehovah God at his temple in Jerusalem

What are the Psalms?


After the Babylonian exile, the new name for Abib, the first month of the Jewish sacred calendar.  It ran from mid-March to mid-April.

What is the month of Nisan?


Now everyone it seems to me knows just the place he wants to be.  I know what's right, I know what's wrong, and yes I know.....

What is the Original Song 'Where I Belong.'?


King of ancient Salem and “priest of the Most High God,” Jehovah. (Ge 14:18, 22). He is the first priest mentioned in the Scriptures. 

Who is Melchizedek?


Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.

What is Psalms 37:10?

A book of the Hebrew Scriptures, the title of which is taken from the name of its principal character.  The narrative includes the principal character, Mordecai, Haman's Family and what went on in Shusan the castle.

What is the Book of Esther?


In Jesus’ day, it was made up of 71 members, including the high priest and others who had held the office of high priest, members of the high priestly families, elders, tribal and family heads, and scribes. 

What is the Sanhedrin?