What is the name of Jesus' mother?
What is Mary?
How many disciples did Jesus have in the Bible?
What is 12 disciples?
How many days did it take for Jesus to rise from the dead?
What is 3 days?
Who created the heavens and the earth?
What is God?
Why did Joseph, the son of Jacob got thrown into a well?
What is because the brothers hated him?
What was the name of Jesus's adoptive father on earth?
What is Joseph?
What happened after Jesus told Peter to let his net down before he was a disciple?
What is a lot of fish came into the nets and almost broke the nets?
What happened in the temple during the crucifixion of Jesus?
What is the veil tore into two?
How many days did it take for God to create the Earth?
What is 6 days and on the 7th day, he rested.
Who climbed a tree to see Jesus?
What is Zachaeus?
Where was Jesus born?
What is Bethlehem?
How old was Jesus when he started his ministry?
What is 30 years old?
Where did Jesus go to fast and be tempted by the devil?
How old was Abraham when he had a son?
What is 100 years old?
Who's head was cut off because of king Herod?
What is John the Baptist?
What is the name of the city Jesus was born in?
What is Nazareth?
Where was is the name of the place Jesus died on the cross at?
What is Golgatha?
Who was the first person to see Jesus rise from the dead?
What is Mary Magdalene
Could Mary and Joseph find a place to stay at first?
What is No, they could not find a place to stay until someone told them there was an inn.
Who was the person to be put in a well by the officials of the king?
Hint: He was also known as the weeping prophet.
What is Jeremiah?
How many brothers and sisters did Jesus have in the Bible?
What is four brothers and two sisters
Name all of Jesus's disciples.
What is Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, son of Alphaeus, Simon, the Zealot, Thaddeus, Judas Iscariot?
Why did Jesus come on the earth
What is because to save humanity from sin?
How old was Sarah when she had a son?
What is 90 years old?
Who got eaten by worms in the Bible because he did not give praise to God?
What is Herrod Agrippa?