who was swallowed by a big fish ?
This garden was the setting of humanity's creation and the fall of Adam and Eve.
the Garden of Eden
Jesus fed 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two of these.
Noah took two of every animal onto this massive vessel to survive the flood.
Cain received a curse from God after committing this act against his brother Abel?
how many baskets of food were left over after the 5000 people were fed?
This city’s walls famously fell after Joshua and his army marched around it for seven days.
Jesus calmed a storm while traveling on this body of water.
Sea of Galilee
This animal spoke to Balaam, warning him of an angel blocking the path.
This city, along with Gomorrah, was destroyed by fire and brimstone due to its wickedness.
what is the name of the angel that visited Mary ?
Angel Gabriel
This mountain is where Moses received the Ten Commandments.
Mount Sinai
Jesus raised this man from the dead after he had been in the tomb for four days.
In the Garden of Eden, this animal tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.
A serpent
The Tower of Babel's builders were punished by God through this act, scattering them across the earth and?
confusing their language
Who ate locusts and wild honey in the desert?
John the Baptist
This city is known as the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
Jesus healed a blind man by applying mud made with this and washing it off in the Pool of Siloam.
Jonah was swallowed by this creature, which kept him alive for three days and nights.
a great fish (or whale)
When the Israelites worshipped a golden calf, Moses broke these objects given to him by God.
the 10 commandments
who was the first person to commit suicide?
Jonah attempted to flee to this city instead of going to Nineveh as God commanded.
At a wedding in Cana, Jesus performed his first recorded miracle by turning water into this.
Jesus referred to himself as this animal, a symbol of sacrifice, in John 1:29.
The Lamb of God
This couple was struck dead after lying about the proceeds from selling their land in Acts 5?
Ananias and Sapphira