Who is the Bible character that was swallowed by a big fish?
Jesus Christ was born in?
What were the people trying to do when they built the Tower of Babel?
a. Create protection for the city
b. Reach Heaven
c. Experiment with a new type of brick for building
d. Pray for God to bless the new tower
Reach Heaven
Fill in the following blank with one word: “Thy word I have hid in mine ______ that I might not sin against thee.” (Ps 119:11)
a. Diary
b. Heart
c. Brain
d. Treasure Box
He committed the first murder in the Bible
Where did Noah's Ark come to rest?
a. Mount Carmel
b. The mountains of Ararat
c. The mountains of Boaz
d. Mount Geezer
Mount Ararat
How did the sailors in the story of Jonah calm the sea?
a. Threw the cargo (supplies) overboard
b. Threw Jonah overboard
c. Prayed to God
d. Patched the holes in the ship
Threw Jonah overboard
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in ________.” (Ex 20:7)
Who ate locust and honey when he traveled in the wilderness?
Where was the Law given to Moses?
a. The mountains of Ararat
b. Mount Geezer
c. Mount Sinai
d. Mount Carmel
Mt. Sinai
What was the first job God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?
a. Name all the living creatures or animals
b. To rake the garden
c. To plant trees
d. To pick apples from the tree to bake an apple pie
Name all the living creatures or animals
Though I walk through the valley of the ______, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me.
shadow of death
Who had the head of John the Baptist cut off and placed on a plate?
a. Herod
b. Solomon
c. Sanhedrin
d. Pontius Pilate
Where did God direct Jonah to go and preach?
a. Sodom
b. Nineveh
c. Joppa
d. Tarshish
What does the word “Rabbi” mean?
a. A type of currency (coin)
b. A baby rabbit
c. Teacher
d. Student
A soft word __________, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
a. stirs up kindness
b. is lovely
c. oils the waters
d. turns away wrath
turns away wrath
She was the only female judge of Israel.
a. Ester
b. Ruth
c. Miriam
d. Rebekah
e. Deborah
In what city did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?
a. Bethesda
b. Capernaum
c. Nazareth
d. Bethany
if Cain was a farmer, how about Abel?
Come to me, all ye who are weary and burdened, and I shall give you ______.