How many Commandments Are there?
What is First Book of Bible?
Who took the animals on to the Ark?
Why did Adam and Eve get expelled from the Garden of Eden?
Because they took a bite of the forbidden fruit and disobeyed God
Which is the most sold book in the world?
The Bible
Who brought the Commandments down from the Mountain to share with the people?
What is 2nd Book of Bible?
How many of each animal did Noah take on to the Ark?
How many apostles did Jesus have?
Who was given the coat of many colors by Jacob?
His son Joseph
Name the first Commandment
I am the Lord Your God, You shall have no strange Gods before me
What is the Last Book of the Bible?
When did Jesus rise from the Dead?
On Easter Sunday
What are the first 4 books of the New Testament called....Clue...starts with a G?
How many times did Peter deny Jesus?
3 times
Were the 10 Commandments written about in the Old Testament or New Testament?
Old Testament
Which book of the Bible tells us about Moses saving the Israelites from the Egyptians?
Who were the first 2 humans created on Earth?
Adam & Eve
How many days did Jesus fast from eating in the desert?
40 days and 40 nights
What did Joseph do for a living?
He was a carpenter
Is You shall Not Steal one of the Commmandments?
Are the Psalms a book in the Bible?
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
Who betrayed Jesus?
Who was the first murderer in the Bible who killed his brother
Cain killed Abel