How long was Lazarus dead before being resurrected
4 days
Who is the priestly tribe
Which faithful woman served Jehovah at the temple due to a vow made by someone else?
Jepthah's daughter
This man was a warrior, a shepherd and skilled on the harp
What animal did Samson tear in two with his bare hands
Lion (Judges 14:5,6)
How old was Methuselah when he died (oldest Man)
What tribes made up the Two Tribe Kingdom?
Judah and Benjamin
Who saved her whole family by hanging a red cord from her window?
Rahab (Josh 6)
This man was a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah and was the king of the first empire after the flood
Nimrod (Gen 10:9)
Camel (Luke 18:25)
What number does a myriad signify
Which Tribe was know for being Left handed
Who hosted a meal to save the Israelites
Which disciple was sent by Jehovah to help Saul (Paul) recover his sight?
Ananias (Acts 9:9-19)
Jesus doesn't have anywhere to lay his head but these animals have dens
Foxes (Matthew 8:20)
How many times is Jehovah's name in the new world translation? (Within 100)
How many cities of refuge were there?
6 (Num 35:6)
This woman and her son represented Jehovah's casting off of natural Israel as a nation?
Hagar (Ishmael)
Name the men who where thrown into the furnace both Babylonian and Hebrew names
Sha'drach, Me'shach, Abed'nego (Hanani'ah, Mish'ael, Azari'ah)
What is the only dog breed named in the Bible
Greyhound (Proverbs 30:31)
How long did the waters overwhelm the earth after the rain ended during the flood
150 days
What tribes make up the 10 Tribe Kingdom
Simeon, Naphtali, Dan, Gad, Reuben, Ephraim, Manasseh, Asher, Zebulun, Issachar
Who was the first woman resurrected as a apostle?
Dorcas (Tabitha) (Acts 9:39-42)
Name 5 of the 12 twelve Judges that came about after Joshua died (Get all twelve double points)
Abdon, Barak, Ehud, Elon, Gideon, Ibzan, Jair, Jephthah, Othniel, Samson, Shamgar, Tola
This animal was used as a symbol of beauty and of speed
Gazelle (Ca 2:9, 1 Ch 12:8)