The last book of the bible is?
I led Israelites out of Egypt and went up Mount Sinai alone. I came back down with 10 commandments written on two tablets of stone. Who am I?
I am the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments. What kind of mountain am I?
Mount Sinai
It had so many locks that don’t need a key. It was far too many for you to count. It was never to be shortened, for a vow had been said. It was a symbol of strength that flowed from the head. But in a moment of weakness, its secret was out, it lays all in pieces when she gave the shout. What is it?
Samson’s long hair
What was the name of Jesus’ mother?
in which book of the bible is the lord pray located
Matthew and Luke
What is the name of Jesus’ cousin who baptized Him ?
John the baptist
I was the river in which Jesus was baptized. Who I am?
I am the food that fell from heaven to feed the Israelites in the desert. What am I?
What was the name of the first woman God created?
What was the name of the book that contains the history of creation?
Instead of going to Nineveh, I decided to bail. Thrown overboard while out to sea, I was swallowed up by a whale. Who am I?
I am the garden where Jesus prayed before his crucifixion. What kind of garden am I?
I burnt in the desert when Moses was tending a flock. I talked to him, and he couldn't believe I could talk. What am I?
The burning bush.
I am the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Who I am?
What are the first 4 books of the bible
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers
I loved God with all my heart and soul. I am a hero of faith that will stand the test of time as one of God’s beloved. After all I went through, my faith and convictions remained unchanged. Who am I?
Parted for passage, soon waters returned; Pharaoh's force, in its depths, adjourned. What am I?
The Red Sea
I was the first murderer in the Bible. Who am I?
I was the elderly prophetess who recognized baby Jesus in the temple. Who am I?
I am the book from the Bible from which many people derived the phrase “Lamb for slaughter.” What book is this?
I was known for my diverse skills as both a warrior and a writer of psalms. In my years as a ruler, I united the people of Israel, led them to victory in battle, conquered land and paved the way for my son, Solomon, to build the Temple. Who am I?
I was the mountain where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. Who I am?
Mount Beatitude.
On his arc, how many of each animal did Moses bring?
None, because Moses did not have an arc, Noah did
I was the woman who hid two Israelite spies on my roof. Who am I?