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What prophecy of Isaiah did Jesus fulfill as He healed the sick and cast out demons?  (8:17)

He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.

He loved us and gave His life for us.

He healed us by taking our diseases to the Cross.

He proved that He was the Savior by His healing.

He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.


Who went with the synagogue leader whose daughter died?  (9:19)

Jesus and His disciples

Only Jesus

Jesus and some Pharisees

Jesus and a doctor

Jesus and His disciples


According to Jesus, who knows the Son and the Father?  (11:27)

Only we know the Son and the Father

Only the disciples know the Son and the Father

The Son knows the Father, and the Father knows the Son.

No one knows the Father or the Son.

The Son knows the Father, and the Father knows the Son.


Which seed stands for one who receives God's Word with joy but has no root and falls away when trouble comes?  (13:20-21)

Seed sown among thorns

Seed sown along the path

Seed sown on rocky places

Seed that an enemy steals

Seed sown on rocky places


How many loaves of bread and fish did the disciples have?  (14:17)

Four loaves and three fish

Two loaves and five fish

Five loaves and two fish

Seven loaves and three fish

Five loaves and two fish


When Jesus slept during a storm, what did the disciples do?  (8:25)

They let Him sleep while they prayed for help.

They woke Him and said, "Lord, swim for shore.  The boat is sinking."

They woke Him and said, "Lord, we know you can save us.

They woke Him and said, "Lord, save us!  We're going to drown!"

They woke Him and said, "Lord, save us!  We're going to drown!"


Who touched the edge of Jesus' cloak as He went to the synagogue leader's home?  (9:19-20)

A woman who had a bent back

Two children who were playing

A man with a withered arm

A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years

A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years


Which of these did Jesus invite people to do? (11:29)

Come to Him if they were sick

Take His yoke and learn from Him

Find rest for their souls by talking with Him

All of the above

Take His yoke and learn from Him


What is the seed on thorny soil like?  (13:22)

Someone who hears the Word, but the deceitfulness of wealth and worries of life make it unfruitful

Someone who is so lazy that he does not pull the weeds from his field

Someone who doesn't have enough money to care for his field properly

All of the above

Someone who hears the Word, but the deceitfulness of wealth and worries of life make it unfruitful


What did Jesus do before He broke the loaves?  (14:19)

Told the people to sit on the grass

Looked up to heaven

Gave thanks

All of the above

All of the above


What did Jesus say when the disciples woke Him during the storm? (8:26)

"You of little faith, don't you know I can calm the storms?"

"You were right to wake me.  I can deal with this."

"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?"

"Great is your faith, for you know I can stop storms."

"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?"


What did Jesus say to the crowd at the synagogue leader's house?  (9:24)

Go away.  You can't help this dead girl.

Go away.  The girl is not dead but asleep.

Go away.  You are making too much noise.

Go away.  The ruler doesn't want you here.

Go away.  The girl is not dead but asleep.


How did Jesus describe himself?  (11:29)

Gentle and generous of heart

Humble and kind to sinners

Gentle, humble, and able to forgive

Gentle and humble in heart

Gentle and humble in heart


What does the seed that fell on good soil stand for?  (13:23)

Those that live good lives and do many good deeds

Those that are 100, 60, or 30 times better than other people

Those whose goodness is equal to God's goodness

Those who hear God's Word, understand it, and produce a great crop for God.

Those who hear God's Word, understand it, and produce a great crop for God.


How sell did the loaves and fish satisfy the crowd? (14:20)

They all ate, but no one was satisfied.

They all ate, but only a little bit of food.

They all ate and were satisfied.

They all ate and asked for more.

They all ate and were satisfied.


What did Jesus do to calm the storm on the lake? (8:26)

Prayed to God

Rebuked the winds and the waves

Called out in a loud voice

Nothing.  The storm stopped by itself.

Rebuked the winds and the waves


How did Jesus heal the synagogue leader's dead daughter?  (9:25)

He put spit on His hands and touched her eyes.

He prayed for her to be healed, and she was.

He said, "Daughter, live again," and she did.

He took the girl by the hand, and she got up.

He took the girl by the hand, and she got up.


Who picked and ate heads of grain on the Sabbath?  (12:1)

Jesus and His disciples

Jesus and a crowd of people

Jesus' disciples

Jesus' disciples and their wives

Jesus' disciples


To which of these did Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven?  (13:31, 33)

A mustard seed and a wheat seed

A mustard seed and yeast

Flour and yeast

Salt and light

A mustard seed and yeast


How many people did the five loaves and two fish feed? (14:20)

3,000 men plus women and children

5,000 men plus women and children

5,000 women and children

6,000 men, women, and children

5,000 men plus women and children


What did the demons in the two men say to Jesus? (8:29)

Have you come here to cast us into a herd of pigs?

Why have you come here to disturb us?

We have made these men so violent that you cannot pass this way.

Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?

Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?


Which of these did Jesus say?  (9:37-38)

The harvest is plentiful and so are the workers.

The crowds are like sheep without a shepherd.

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

The workers are plentiful, but the harvest is small.

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.


What did the Pharisees say to Jesus when His disciples picked and ate grain on the Sabbath?  (12:2)

Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.

Your disciples are very wise.

Your disciples have broken the laws of our nation.

Your disciples should not eat so much.

Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.


To which of these did Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven?  (13:44-45)

A string of pearls and a purse full of money

Hidden treasure and lovely paintings

A hidden treasure and a pearl of great value

A hidden treasure and a coin of great value

A hidden treasure and a pearl of great value


After Jesus fed the 5,000, what did He do?  (14:23)

Got into a boat to do to the other side of a lake

Went further into the desert to pray

Went into the nearest town to sleep

Went up a mountain by himself to pray

Went up a mountain by himself to pray