Words and Meanings
Books of the Bible
People and Stories
God's Promises

What is sin

what God says is wrong


What is the first book of the Bible?



Who killed Goliath and how?

David with a slingshot and then with Golitath's sword he chopped off his head.


God promised to bring the Israelites to this place after freeing them from slavery in Egypt

The promised land, flowing with milk and honey, was basically the best land known to man at the time.


Why do we call it Christmas?

Christ's Mass - A church service in some churches is called a mass, once per year those churches would celebrate Jesus being born and it was called the Christ's Mass.


What does holy mean

set apart for God


What is the first 5 books of the bible put together called?

the law or the Pentateuch because penta means 5


Who was the only girl judge that was named, and she was probably the best judge in the historical books.



The Israelites had to follow this in order for God to protect them from their enemies.

The 10 commandments, or the law


Bonus - choose how much this question is worth! (Between 0-1000 points) Could be easy, could be really hard?!?!?!

Name each person's secret identity...

1. Superman

2. Spiderman

3. Flash

4. Batman

Bonus 100 points - El Barto


What does Genesis mean?

What does Exodus mean?

Genesis = Beginning

Exodus = Exit


How many historical books are there in the Bible?



Which queen saved all the Jewish people and made sure that God's rescue plan continued forward?



God made a promise to this person that their family would rule forever on a throne and what is this promise called?

David, the Davidic covenant


1. When was Jesus born

2. Why do we have Christmas trees?

1. We don't know

2. Because of a german missionary that cut down "thors tree" and didn't die. He told people to put an evergreen tree in their house to show that God's love never runs out.


What does righteous mean?

doing what God says is right


Name 5 historical books in the Bible.

Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther


Who was in charge of the Israelites in the desert after Egypt, how long was the journey supposed to take, how long did it take, and how did they stay alive?

Moses, 11 days, 40 years, God provided for all their needs supernaturally giving them food and water in the desert and guiding them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.


There was a civil war in Israel because the people were not listening to God. The country was split, what were the nations 2 names after the war.

Bonus points - name the 2 enemies of the countries

Israel and Judah

Enemies - Assyria, Babylon


Bonus - choose how much this is worth! (Between 0-1000 points) Could be really easy, could be really hard?!?!?!

What color are Pastor Craig's eyes?

Bonus 300 points - what is his middle name?


1. There are 2 big divisions in the Bible what are they called?

2. What is another word for what they are called?

old and new testament

Testament means promise


Who was the best human king of Israel?

Who was the wisest person to ever live?

Who was the first human king of Israel?

David, Solomon, Saul


1. God makes a promise to Abraham that he will have more descendants than what?

2. These descendants are the start of what nation?

3. What is that nations job?

1. stars in the sky or grains of sand on the beach

2. Israel

3. Tell the world about God.


Why is the Christmas story so important and what other holiday story does it tie into?

Christmas is so important because it tells the story of the birth of the savior of the world. Jesus was born, lived the perfect life and then died for us to take our punishment for us. It ties into the Easter story because that is when Jesus died for us and came back to life 3 days later.