What miracle did Jesus do at the wedding?
a. turn water into wine
b. healing a paralyzed man
He turned water into wine
What Pharisee came to see Jesus at night in Jerusalem?
Who was called from a tax booth to follow Jesus?
What are the men who followed Jesus called?
What happened right after Jesus’ baptism: his first miracle, his temptation, or calling his first disciples?
his temptation
What did Jesus mean when he talked about being born again? a spiritual birth or a physical birth?
spiritual birth
Who saw Jesus turn water into wine?
a. the disciples and servants
b. everyone at the party
The disciples and the servants who filled the jars and poured the wine.
What word picture did Jesus use to share spiritual truth with the woman at the well: oil, wind, or living water?
living water
Why was Jesus angry with the people who were selling animals and exchanging money in the temple?
They were using God’s house of worship as a place to make money.
What response did the people of Nazareth have when Jesus said he was the Messiah?
They rejected him and refused to believe he was anything more than the son of Joseph.
How did the official from Capernaum show faith in Jesus?
He accepted and believed Jesus’ word that his son would live and headed home.
What did the disciples believe when they saw Jesus’ miracle and his anger at the misuse of the temple?
That Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah.
Jesus used living water to describe the woman’s spiritual need for what: eternal life, a place of worship, or laws to follow?
eternal life
Name one of the fishermen Jesus called to follow him at the Sea of Galilee.
Andrew, Simon Peter, James, John.
What people did the Jews dislike and try to stay away from?
When Jesus told the Samaritan woman that he was the Messiah, how did she respond?
She believed him and went to tell the townspeople that Jesus is the Christ
Where did Satan tempt Jesus to jump from to test God?
Pinnacle (high place) of the temple.
What did Jesus say was lawful to do on the Sabbath?
To do good; to help people.
What did four men do to get their paralytic friend to Jesus in a crowded house?
They opened a hole in the roof and lowered him on his bed to Jesus.
How did Jesus overcome temptation and not sin?
He used Scripture, God’s Word.
What did other Jews think of tax collectors like Matthew?
The Jews considered them traitors and thieves.
What do we mean by a spiritual birth?
A change that happens in our hearts when we confess our sins and trust in Jesus.
What were the Pharisees more concerned about: showing mercy or following rules?
Following rules.
Who was Jesus claiming to be when he said he was lord of the Sabbath?
God, who made the Sabbath.
What rule did the Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, say the man whom Jesus healed was breaking in Bethesda?
He was carrying his bed on the Sabbath.