
I had a melodious voice, but my pride got in the way. Jesus wasn't happy and before you know it, I was no longer in the light. Who am I?

Lucifer or Satan


Apostles resided in me. I am pretty famous because sight and food were given near by me. Despite my fame, I was cursed. Where am I?



I am named after a famous Jewish woman who broke rules to save my kind. What book am I?



'Control', I have it! 'Power', I made it! 'Powerful' I am it. What am I called?

The 'Omnipotent' God


I came after a devastating situation where many lives, livestock, and nature were destroyed. What am I?

A Rainbow


Life is a journey, a marathon some might say. Some say I was a forefather but I know I was the first runner of the human race. Who am I?



Sin! Oh Sin! Oh Sin! Because of one's disobedience, I entered in. Opened eyes, gaining morals, hands now crafty, hearts afraid, for the Lord was angry in the cool of the day. Questions after questions, answers after answer, eventually leading the Lord to curse it. Sadly a new habitat was given, one beyond the flaming sword. Where am I?

Garden of Eden


I have a way with hearts, just by my words. A lover's guide in times of prime. My thoughts written word for word to readers whose thoughts aren't heard. What book am I?

Songs of Solomon


Thirsty? Don't strike me! Empty? Just ask me! A crucial matter of the occasion, as all was gone. Kindly bring them to me so that I can provide for your needs. They are no longer plain, but now barrels full of color. What miracle am I?

Jesus turning water into wine


I came to life once thrown on the floor. What am I?

Moses' Staff


I grew up without parents. Who Am I?

Joshua, son of Nun (Joshua 1:1)


Today many churches have me as apart of their name, however my significance is more than a name. It took a lot to journey here, mockery, agony, pain and above all love. On this hill, a sacrifice of 3, but one took it serious as the cry came from within. Where am I?



I faced God's wrath and mercy at the same time, all while being the one who was sacrificed. 'Peace be still' came after my will. The food chain of life was fulfilled, but not for what you think. In this place of "hell", my prayers were heard, what is a 'valley of death' had my motivation stirred. "Hear ye, Hear ye! Listen to my words. This is my cry for a city that should turn!" What book am I?



My offering, His glory! My heartache, the story! His question, my faith! My God? Was never late? In the thicket something waits, I swapped the sacrifice and named this place. Where am I?

Jehovah Jireh


I can look like a T, I can look like an X. I can be found on chains, hung around people’s necks. What am I?

A cross


I have several locks, but literally no keys. They weren't mechanical or digital, more so of a vow made to God. I had they growing, but after some time they became my demise when love got to the heart of mine. Who am I?



Betrayal! Agony! Sweat drops of blood! My prayer for what??? I saw it coming and they slept. My arrest in a place known as 'Oil Press'. Where am I?

Garden of Gethsemane


I am home to many words, phrases, sentences, lessons and even stories. I have 2 segments, one bigger than the other. Often times I am neglected, but my importance is known once read. It a new year, a day, a new season, did you check me today? What am I?

The Bible


I have many titles, healer, protector, 'God'. Often I am uttered in one way or another, but say my name, I am there, no matter where, I am omnipresent my dear! Who am I?

God with us / Immanuel / Emmanuel


I can be carried but do not touch me. If you look on my outside, you'll see 2, but check my inside, you'll see 10. Think you saw me, perhaps not because I was lost, then found, and sadly, lost again. What am I?

Ark of the Covenant


We followed the commandments, knowing we'd be protected. Man was puzzled, many thought we'd die, but God was not, for He stood by our side. Who am I?

The 3 Hebrew Boys


It was high in the sky, but roots deep in the Earth. It brought cooperation for us, but shortly confusion which made us fuss. I was fully seen by the world, but unseen by one. I was an old fashioned skyscraper. What/ where am I?

The Tower of Babel


I am pronounced differently depending on the context. Everybody have one in order to survive. However, I am also a name and a book. If you see me, I am giving thanks, despite all that went through my hands. What book am I?



My thoughts, my heart, my view, your view! Let go, move on, restore, "oh brother"!

Written by a prisoner who calls you "fellow laborer and brother", Onesimus the slave, a mailman for me. Hoping you read and address me as I plea. "Beloved brother", oh brother, accept this letter. Let us reconcile and make things better. What book am I?



I am one of 5, chosen but the average height. I am very small, but my impact made a hefty fall. I was cradled then aimed, then flung, struck, and sunk. What am I?

The stone David flung