Sun, moon, stars bowing down to him
What was Joseph's first dream?
This is where Joseph was thrown.
What is the pit/well?
This person was the assistant to the Pharaoh, also the person Joseph was sold to.
What is Potiphar?
Did Joseph's brother's recognize him?
Which brother didn't go to Egypt with the rest of the brother to buy grain the first time?
sheaves of grain bowing down to him
What was Joseph's 2nd dream?
This is who sold Joseph to the Egyptian merchants.
Who are Joseph's brothers?
This is why Joseph was put into jail.
What is false accusations by Potiphar's wife?
Joseph accused his brothers of being ______.
What are spies?
Which brother had the sliver cup in their sack of grain?
Three vines that produced grapes - squeezed grapes into Pharaoh's cup
What was the cupbearer's dream?
This is what Joseph's brothers told Jacob.
What is a lie (that he was eaten by a wild anilmal)?
This is who Joseph said could interpret dreams.
What is God?
What did Joseph invite his family to do at the end?
What is live with him in Egypt?
Which brother was the 4th oldest?
Baskets of bread with a basket of baked goods at the top. A bird was eating the food in the top basket.
What was the baker's dream?
How many coins was Joseph sold for?
What is 20 silver coins?
This is who Joseph interpreted dreams for while he was in prison.
What is the cup barrier and baker?
2nd in command - store up food to prepare for famine
What job did Pharaoh give Joseph when he was out of jail?
Which brother stopped all the other brother from killing Joseph?
7 skinny cows eating 7 fat cows
7 wilted grains eating 7 healthy grains
Describe both of Pharaoh's dreams.
This is why Joseph was thrown in the pit.
What is his brothers were jealous of Joseph?
He interpreted Pharaoh's dreams
How did Joseph get out of prison?
What did Joseph do when he first saw his brothers?
Which brother was left behind in jail?