how many waterfalls were in the garden of Eden
Where did the family in Bethlehem move?
The 12 apostles represent what
The 12 tribes of Israel
How many years did the hebrews spend in the desert
Ruth shows loyalty by…
Staying with Naomi and going with her to Bethlehem
The 12 tribes represent/were made by
Jacobs 12 sons
Adam and Eve – – – – – with God?
Boas is whose relative?
Jesus’s occupation was
A carpenter
After waking up, Adam looked at all the animals with————-and wanted it and wanted it to
Boaz and Ruth see each other one
In the lasses field
Who betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot
What mountain did Moses go to after he cross the Red Sea?
Mount Sinai
Naomi’s closer relative declined because?
Because Ruth is a mobile
True or false apparently the Holy Spirit is a girl