What is the name of the feast that commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, celebrated on the Sunday before Easter
Palm Sunday
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Which Gospel contains this famous Bible quote?
The Gospel of John, Chapter 3, verse 16
In which month is Easter usually celebrated?
What is the first week of lent's name?
What is God in Amharic?
According to the Gospel of Mark, what did the people who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem with palm branches shout?
"Love your neighbor as yourself" is a quote from which book of the Bible?
Leviticus, Chapter 19, verse 18
What is the name of the week preceding Easter Sunday?
Holy Week
What is the third week of Lent's name
What is Palm Sunday in Amharic
Where in the bible is the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey for Palm Sunday found?
The Gospel of Matthew
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." is the opening verse of which Gospel?
The Gospel of John, Chapter 1, verse 1
What is the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus called?
True or False: God rode on a horse to Jerusalem
False - he rode a donkey
What is the name of Christmas in Amharic?
According to tradition, what did Jesus do on Palm Sunday after entering Jerusalem? (We learned this in bible study)
Jesus went to the temple and drove out the money changers and merchants.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." is a quote from which book of the Bible?
The Book of Philippians, Chapter 4, verse 13
What happened on the day of easter?
Jesus Christ's resurrection
What is Easter in Amharic?
"Do not make my temple a market"
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." is the opening verse of which Psalm?
Psalm 23
How long is the fast until easter?
About 2 months
What is the first chapter in the bible?
How many fidel are there in the Amharic alphabet?
About 230