"Come and see."
(Answer: Philip, John 1:46)
What was Jesus’ first miracle?
(Answer: Turning water into wine, John 2:1-11)
What does Jesus offer the Samaritan woman at the well?
(Answer: Living water, John 4:10)
Where was Jesus when He turned water into wine?
(Answer: Cana, John 2:1)
What is the significance of the term "Living Water"?
(Answer: It symbolizes eternal life and the Holy Spirit, John 4:14)
"Do whatever he tells you."
(Answer: Mary, John 2:5)
What did Jesus multiply to feed 5,000 people?
(Answer: Five loaves and two fish, John 6:1-13)
What does Jesus say He is in John 10?
(Answer: The Good Shepherd, John 10:11)
Which city was the Samaritan woman from?
(Answer: Sychar, John 4:5)
How many stone water jars were used at the wedding in Cana?
(Answer: Six, John 2:6)
"Unless you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God."
(Answer: Jesus, John 3:3)
What was the Disciples' reaction when Jesus walked on water?
(Answer: The disciples were frightened, but Jesus calmed them, John 6:16-21)
What does the term “born again” refer to in John 3?
(Answer: Spiritual rebirth through the Spirit, John 3:3-5)
Where was the Pool of Bethesda located?
(Answer: Jerusalem, John 5:2)
How long had the man at Bethesda been paralyzed?
(Answer: 38 years, John 5:5)
"I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred."
(Answer: The paralyzed man, John 5:7)
What did Jesus say to Lazarus?
(Answer: "Lazarus, come out!" John 11:43)
In John 6, what does Jesus declare about Himself?
(Answer: "I am the bread of life," John 6:35)
What feast was near during Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000?
(Answer: Passover, John 6:4)
What does Jesus' "I am the bread of life" statement mean?
(Answer: He is the source of eternal sustenance, John 6:35)
"The man called Jesus made mud and spread it on my eyes."
(Answer: The blind man, John 9:11)
How did Jesus heal the man born blind?
(Answer: He made mud with saliva, placed it on his eyes, and told him to wash in the Pool of Siloam, John 9:6-7)
What command does Jesus give after washing His disciples' feet?
(Answer: "Love one another as I have loved you," John 13:34-35)
Which village was Lazarus from?
(Answer: Bethany, John 11:1)
What does Jesus say is the purpose of Lazarus' illness?
(Answer: For God's glory so that the Son of God may be glorified, John 11:4)