Christian Values
Fruits of the Spirit/Micah 6:8
What is one of Jesus' traits? What was he like?
There is almost no wrong answer to this question! Some examples are, he was loving, kind, nice, fair, honest, forgiving, gracious, a servant, good, and a friend, but there is so much more as well!
Who do we pray to?
We pray to God the Father, through Jesus Christ!
What does the word responsibility mean to you?
There are a lot of right answers to this question! Being responsible means you are trusted, good, reliable, honest, and so much more!
In basketball, what is the goal of the team?
To win, to score the most points, to play the best defense!
What are some ways we can show God that we are faithful to him?
There are a lot of right answers to this question! We can worship him, pray to him, read the Bible, obey his Word, and so much more!
What are the candy rules?
You must be paying attention, you must raise your hand to answer a question, you must wait to eat the candy until I am finished talking, and you have to throw away the wrapper.
When can we pray?
We can pray whenever! Morning, Night, Afternoon, it doesn't matter, we can always pray!
One of the bible characters we talked about during this bible study was Eve. Tell me what Eve did, and if she was responsible or irresponsible.
Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge when God specifically told her not to do so, this was not responsible!
One key to teamwork is talking to each other so that you have unity and are all on the same page! What is another word for talking to each other? (Hint, it starts with a C_______)
What are the two things we need to balance when we are walking on the tight rope of life?
Justice and Kindness!
Jesus was a servant. We learned a saying in bible study about being a humble servant. Fill in the blank: God First, ________, I'm Third.
I'm Second
Where can we pray?
We can pray wherever! School, home, church, anywhere!
There was a bible story we talked about during this week, about a young man and his friends who were kidnapped by a King. The King wanted them to all eat his food, but the young man declined because it was unclean to God. Instead, the man ate food that was holy to God. What was the name of this young man?
What was the name of team we talked about in bible study that Jesus hand-picked?
The disciples!
Who can we look to as the ultimate example of all of the Fruits of the Spirit?
In the bible story we talked about when Jesus was acting as a servant, whose feet did Jesus wash?
Jesus washed the feet of the disciples.
What is the very first line of the Lord's Prayer?
Our Father, who art in Heaven
In the story of the bags of gold, how many bags of gold did the master give the first servant?
What was the mission of the discipling team? (Hint, it's the same mission that we all have as Christians!)
Our mission is to advance the kingdom of God, bring glory to his name, and carry His message throughout the world!
What were the three things God called us to do? (Micah 6:8)
To do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God
What was the bible verse that we learned this week? (1 John 2:6)
"Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did." 1 John 2:6
What was the bible verse for this week? (Matthew 21:22)
"And whatever you ask, in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."
What was the bible verse for this week? (Galatians 6:5)
"For we are each responsible for our own conduct."
What was the bible verse for this week? (Ecclesiastics 4:9)
"Two people are better than one, they can help each other in everything they do."
What was the bible verse for this week? You must do the hand motions as well! (Galatians 5:22)
"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control."