Who did god tell Moses he was and who to tell the Israelites's had sent him?
I am who I am
Number 1 and 2
water turned to blood, frogs
a prophet and a leader who freed the Israelites from slavery in egypt
a religious leader who preforms rituals and provides spiritual guidence
what are the first 2 things in the tabernacle?
altar of burnt offerings and the laver
The fifth of the ten commandments
Honor your father and mother
Number 3 and 4
lice, flies
the ruler of ancient egypt
aaron is seen as a preist
what are the 3 things in the holy place?
table of shewbread, menorah, and altar of incense
Deuteronomy 6:5
"Love the lord with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength."
Number 5 and 6
boils, darkness
the story of the Israelites' departure form egypt and their journey to the promise land
encourages the isrealites to obey god and love him
what is the last things in the holy of holies?
the ark of covenant
Know at least one of the types of offerings.
Peace or burnt offerings
Number 7 and 8
locusts, hail
Levi is the name of a tribe and person
a book of laws in the old testament of the bible that covers topics such as sacrifices, dietary practices, and priestly duties.
what is the meaning of the passover?
marks the beginning of a time of remembrance, celebration, and liberation for the jewish people.
What re we to do on the Sabbath?
Number 9 and 10
livestock pestilence, death of firstborn
Caleb is a hebrew name that means "wholehearted" or "faithful"
a mathematical concept used to represent a quantity, allowing us to count, measure, and label things.
how did the passover symbolize christs death?
the passover was a feast that commemorates god's deliverance of the Israelites from slavery to egypt.