What is the name of the first man and woman?
Adam and Eve
Sacrifice Isaac
10 plagues
Who took Moses' place as leader of the Israelites?
Who did David Kill?
What did God use to promise that he would never flood the Earth again?
How many sons did Jacob have?
12 sons
What did God give to Moses on Mount Sinai?
10 Commandments
Where did Sansom's strength come from?
His hair
What was Solomon known for? (Name at least 2 things)
What specific tree did God command Adam and Eve not to eat from?
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil/ Tree of Good and Evil
A coat of colors/ rainbow coat
What did God split in half to help the Israelites flee from the Egyptians?
The Red Sea
How many times did the Israelites have to march around Jericho before invading it?
7 times
In which Kingdom was the Temple located?
What did God do to stop people from building the Tower of Babel?
He confused people's tongues or language
What are the names of at least 2 Patriarchs?
Any of the following: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
What was the name of the miraculous food that God sent to the Israelites in the desert?
Manna/ bread from heaven
Who helped the Israelite spies in Jericho?
What did Jeroboam set up at both ends of the Northern Kingdom to keep the Israelites from going to worship in the Southern Kingdom?
golden calves
What was the profession of Cain and Abel?
Cain tilled the ground. Abel kept sheep.
7 years of famine
What were the three things inside the Ark of Covenant?
Manna, the 10 commandments, and Aaron's rod
What river did the Israelites have to cross before conquering the Promise Land?
the Jordan River