What was the first name of the traitorous disciple?
How many days did God use to create the world and everything in it?
On the 7th day, He rested.
What handsome son of Jacob was imprisoned after a false report from Potiphar's wife?
What civic duty did the Pharisees hope to use to get Jesus in trouble with Caesar?
What was Matthew job before he followed Jesus?
A tax collector
What son of Saul loved his friend David as much as himself?
How many silver coins did Judas receive for betraying Jesus?
What two things were Paul and Silas doing at midnight while imprisoned in a Philippian jail?
Singing & Praying to God
What did Jesus do on a Sabbath day that so infuriated the Pharisees they began plotting to kill Him?
What job did the youthful David have before his anointing as King?
Shepherd Boy
What synagogue official saw his twelve year old daughter raised to life by Jesus?
How many days was Lazarus in the grave before being resurrected?
What notorious prisoner gained his freedom from Pontius Pilate as Jesus was sentenced to crucifixion?
What type of person did Jesus use to contrast with the self-righteous Pharisees in a parable on humility?
A tax collector
Who was one of the two royal employees who shared a jail cell with the falsely accused Joseph?
What woman helped Deborah earn a complete military victory by driving a tent peg through the head of the sleeping enemy commander Sisera?
How many men did Moses send in to Canaan to spy out the land?
What wandering preacher was imprisoned for challenging the adulterous marriage of Herod?
John the Baptist
What did Jesus say the Pharisees would see in response to their demand for a sign from Heaven?
The sign of Jonah
What occupation did the Apostle Paul have in addition to his missionary duties?
Tent maker
What priest of Midian was father-in-law to Moses?
What according to Revelation is the number of the beast?
What weeping prophet was imprisoned in a dungeon on false charges of deserting to the enemy?
What short word, meaning "trouble," did Jesus pronounce on the Pharisees seven times in one speech?
What was the occupation of the man Demetrius, a devotee of the goddess Artemis, also known as Dianna?
A silver smith