The woman who Jesus spoke to at the well was from this place
How many books are in the Bible
An angel visited her. She brought forth the Son of God
This man stole his brothers birthright
Name of the place where Jacob dreamt about a ladder
Which book has the verse, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John (John 1:1)
How many days did Jesus fast for?
40 days
Disobedience led to her turning into a pillar of salt
Lot's Wife(Gen. 19:26)
This man ordered three Hebrew boys to be thrown into a fiery furnace
Place where the people of the land said you cant come here without smiting the blind and the lame
Jerusalem(2 Samuel 5:8)
Last book of the Old Testament
This animal is a young sheep
Women Military Leader
Whose feet Paul studied under
Gamaliel(Acts 22:3)
Place where Hebrew boys were taken as captives and were advisors to the King.
Longest book in the Bible by chapter
Psalms (150)
Result of honoring father and mother(10 Commandments)
You will live a long life(Exodus 20:12)
Prophetess who sang with Moses with a timbrel
Gave his robes to his son and died on a mountain
Aaron(Num 20:26)
At least 3 cities of refuge(Old Testament)
Kedesh, Shechem, Kiriath Arba, Beze, Ramoth, and Golan(Joshua 20: 7-8)
Shortest book in the Bible(verses)
2 John (13)
How many of each animal did Moses bring into the Ark?