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I climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus?

Who am I?

Who is Zacchaeus


The Bible is full of books telling One story.

How many books are there in the Bible?

What is 66 books


God created everything.

How long did He do it in?

What is 6 Days and rested on the 7th.


Jesus was born in Judea.

What city was He born into?

What is Bethlehem


Noah took the animals are the ark as God commanded.

How many animals did he take?

What is 2 by 2.

I offered the people a choice - Barabbas, or Jesus to be released?

Who am I?

Who is Pilate


Open me to know the end and the beginning.

What book am I?

What is the book of Revelation.


God said, "Let there be light."

What came first the light or the Sun/Moon/Stars?

The light


God gave Moses the 10 commandments here.

Where was Moses when God gave him the 2 tablets?

What is Mount Sinai


The Israelites doubted God and had to stay in the desert.

How long before they could go into the Promised Land? 

What is 40 years


I was author of most of the New Testament.

Who am I?

Who is Paul


When lacking wisdom, one can come to this book.

Which Book am I?

What is Proverbs

God made a statement at the end of each day.

What did God say or see as He finished each of the days?

"And God saw that it was good."


God told the Israelites to march around this city.

What city was it?

What is Jericho


When God sent the flood, it rained and rained.

How long did it rain?

What is 40 days and 40 nights


I was mocked because I was bald?

Who am I?

Who is Elisha 


These books tell about the Birth of Jesus and are known as the Gospels.

What books are they?

What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John


God Blessed Adam and Eve in the garden and gave them instructions.

What did he command them to do?

What is "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over it and every living thing."


This is the name of the city that we will live with Jesus forever.

What is the city's name?

What is the New Jerusalem


The book of Revelation mentions churches that God addresses.

How many churches are there?

What is 7


I was Belteshazzar's other name.

What is my name?

Who is Daniel


Offered referred as the book where the early church began.

What book am I?



God said lets make man in our image.

Whose image are we made in?

The Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)


This was a place of great sin, yet the repented when God sent Jonah.

What was the name of this place?

What is Nineveh


In the end when all is dark, God will send witnesses to speak to all nations.

How long will they prophesy and speak to nations?

What is 1,260 days