Bible Prophecy
Our Organization
Our Ministry

This was the first prophecy uttered by Jehovah

What is Genesis 3:15


These terms mean Anointed or Chosen One

What are Messiah and Christ


The founder of our organization

Who is Jesus Christ


The names of the two children who star in the "Become Jehovah's Friend" cartoon series

Who are Caleb and Sophia

This scripture shows our first century basis for our door to door ministry

What is, Acts 20:20


Babylon in 607 BCE

What is, the city that destroyed Jerusalem 


Jesus becomes the Christ/Messiah at this event

What is, Jesus Baptism


The year that Jehovah's Witnesses took on that name

What is 1931


This modern-day dynamic duo shows us examples of how to preach and teach to reach the heart. In the end, we see that a "good promise" is made.

Who are Jade and Nitta


What scripture shows Jesus' commission to all Christians on what to preach about, where to preach it and that it would be a sign of the end.

What is Matthew 24:14


This prophecy mentions 69 weeks of years

The prophecy at Daniel Chapter 9 or the Weeks of Years prophecy


29 CE

What is, the year Jesus became the Christ/Messiah

Name all three Bethel branch offices of the United States Branch and their roles

Warwick- Headquarters which helps support the worldwide work, Wallkill- prints and ships literature, Patterson- Educational Center, artwork and audio and video center.


This special feature of our worship is available every first Monday of the month

What is, the monthly JW Broadcast program


This scripture disproves the false teaching that Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one

ANY SCRIPTURE OF YOUR CHOICE! (must read and reason to get the full points! )


455 BCE Until 29 CE

What are, the year Daniel's prophecy began and ended


The year Jesus became the king of the messianic kingdom

What is, 1914

Name all 7 members of the governing body

Brothers: Kenneth Cook Jr., Mark Sanderson, Anthony Morris, Samuel Herd, David Splane, Stephen Lett, and Geoffrey Jackson


In the music video for the original song "Please Be Convinced" the brother in prison has what special number as a scriptural reference on his jacket?

Romans 8:38 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers will be able to separate us from God's love"


The collective name for the resources available to us to help us teach and preach

What is the Teaching Tool Box


This city was destroyed twice in 607 BCE and 70 CE

What is, Jerusalem 


This year marks the year that Jesus became King of the spiritual kingdom 

What is, 33 CE


This scripture proves only 144,000 will be part of Jehovahs heavenly organization and rule as co-rulers with Christ in heaven.

What is Revelation 14:1


"Daniel: A Lifetime of Faith" Part 1 and 2

What is, the name of our upcoming drama for the 2021 regional convention!


It was this year that the release of a new magazine, The Golden Age, would be published in order to direct people to the Kingdom

What is 1919

(page 63 Gods Kindom Rules)


In "Pure Worship Restored at Last" Ezekiel's vision of the four faces on the cherubs helps us keep in mind what important aspect of Jehovah's qualities?

That "Ezekiel’s vision itself reveals that God’s attributes are not limited in number or in scope"


In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave his disciples the signs for the last days. Name that set of scriptures

Matthew 24:3-8

While he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” In answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads you, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.


Translated in 1029 languages

What is, our JW.Org website

How many songs make up our "Sing Out Joyfully" songbook?

What is, 151


The year the new understanding that the “great multitude,” or “great crowd,” was identified as consisting of individuals who have the prospect of living forever on earth

What is 1935

(page 63 Gods Kingdom Rules)