Jesus Healings
Jesus Miracles
The Second Temple
Old Testament Characters

Those to whom the angels gave the news of the birth of the promised Messiah. (who and where)

Who were a group of shepherds in the fields around Bethlehem?


The woman healed by Jesus who immediately rose and began serving food to Jesus.

Who was Simon Peter's mother-in-law?


The food Jesus used to feed 4000 people.

What was the miracle where Jesus used 5 fish and 2 loaves of bread?


The Governor of Jerusalem who had been previously been the cupbearer to the king of Persia.

Who is Nehemiah?


The first man to kill his brother over jealousy.

Who was Cain?


The priest whose disbelief caused him to become both deaf and mute until the dedication of the promise.

Who is Zachariah?


Jesus spoke "Who touched me?" and this person was healed

Who was a woman with a 12 year long bleeding ailment?


A wedding in Cana attended by Jesus and his disciples Jesus did this.

What is the miracle of turning water into wine?


The Prophet who accused the Children of Israel of prioritizing their own houses over the house of God

Who is Haggai?


The man who obeyed God even when He asked him to give up the son he loved most.

Who is Abraham?


The angel that delivered God's message to Mary about her coming child. 

Who is Gabriel?


Jesus put his fingers in this person's ears and spit on his tongue and a man was healed of this ailment

Who was a deaf man that called out to Jesus.


While in a boat Jesus said "Quiet and be still."

What is Jesus' miracle of Calming the Sea of Galilee? 


The Roman appointed King over Israel who "tricked out" the Temple.

Who is King Herod?


Sold his birthright for a bowl of stew.

Who was Esau?


The person who God promised to be able to see the Messiah before he died and was allowed to hold him in his arms in the Temple court.

Who was Simeon?


Jesus said, "Be clean." and a person with this ailment was healed.

What is Leprosy?


Before this miracle, Jesus said to his followers, "I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. Let us go..."

What was the miracle of Jesus raising Lazareth from the dead?


The descendant of King David who returned to Jerusalem after exile to rebuild the Temple.

Who is Zerubbabel?


Buried treasure from a battle in his tent against God's orders and lost his life as a result.

Who was Achan?


The descendant of King David who returned to Jerusalem after exile to rebuild the Temple.

Who is Zerubbabel?


Jesus spoke "Your sins are forgiven." to him after his friends lowered him through a roof.

Who was a paralyzed man?


When the disciples saw this miracle, they thought they were seeing a ghost.

What was the miracle of Jesus walking on water.


The priest who brought back the teachings of the Torah to the second Temple.

Who is Ezra?


After killing a brother for raping his sister, attempted to steal the nation of israel from his father. 

Who is Absalom?