Books of The Bible
Animals (Hard)

What names are given to the first and last books in the Bible?

Genesis and Revelation

 The Bible begins with the book of Genesis and wraps up with Revelation.


Who announced Jesus' conception to Mary?

The angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26-3 8)


In which city was Jesus born?


For centuries, there has been a widespread belief that people have believed that the exact place Jesus was born is where the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, now stands.


What was Daniel’s punishment for praying when it was not allowed?

He got thrown into a lion’s den 

A man with strong faith, Daniel refused to stop praying to God when the king gave a decree, which landed him in the lion’s den.


Aaron made an image of what animal for the people of Israel?

Golden Calf

Some scholars believe that Aaron's golden calf was not meant to displace God, but to make him more tangible to the Israelites


What are the four synoptic gospels in the New Testament

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John 

The four gospels tell the story of the life of Jesus in a similar pattern which is why they are called the synoptic gospels.


What unproductive tree did Jesus wither by cursing it?

A fig tree (Matt 21:17-20)


Where did Adam and Eve live?

Garden of Eden

God put the first man and woman he created in the Garden of Eden, where they lived until they disobeyed Him by eating the forbidden fruit.


Which book of the Bible mentioned Haman?


Esther thwarted the evil plots of the villain, Haman, who had the intention to destroy the Jews.


What are the names of the birds Noah sent out of the ark to check if the water had dried up?

 Raven and dove

To make sure the flood was over, Noah sent a raven and a dove outside the ark, and they came back with good news.


What is the longest book in the Bible?


The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible, with 30,147 words in length.


Which apostle did Jesus enable to walk briefly on water?

Peter (Matt 17:1-9)


Where did the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal take place?

Mount Carmel

Elijah and the prophets of Baal assembled on the mountain to prove whose god is almighty.


What was the name of Moses’ wife?


Zippora was the daughter of Jethro before she married Moses and gave birth to his two sons, Eliezer and Gershom.


Which animal is mentioned the most in the Bible.

The Dove 

The dove is mentioned in the Bible more often than any other bird (over 50 times);  


How many books did Paul write in the Bible?


Paul is the human writer with the highest number of books in the Bible.


What widow had her dead son brought to life by Jesus?

The widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-15)


Which well did Abraham and Abimelech fight over?


Beersheba is a large city in Israel, but the well Abraham and King Abimelech fought for also had the same name.


At what age did Sarah, the wife of Abraham, die?


Sarah was 90 years old when she conceived and bore her son Isaac, and she died at the age of 127.


 In the book of Revelation, Death rides what animal?

A Pale Horse

The fourth and final horse is pale, upon it rides Death, accompanied by Hades.


What are the original languages the Bible was written in?

Hebrew and Greek 

The Old Testament was originally given in Hebrew, while the New Testament came in the Greek language.


When Jesus healed a man of dumbness, what did the Pharisees accuse him of?

Having demonic power (Matt 9:34)


Where was Saul traveling to when he had a divine encounter and was converted?


Saul was going to Damascus to kill more Christians when the Holy Spirit changed his life.


Which tribe was Paul from?

Tribe of Benjamin 

Though there is scanty information in the Bible about Paul’s family, he would always describe himself as “of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee.”


What animal was sacrificed instead of Isaac?


Animal sacrifices are well- known in the Hebrew Bible.