What was Jesu's mother's name?
Who died on the cross for our sins?
What's the name of our church?
The Vine fellowship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who was Jesu's earthly dad?
What are the two parts of the Bible called
Old Testament and New Testament
What animal did Jesus ride into town on?
What did God put in the sky to show he would never flood the earth again?
A rainbow.
Who did God chose to lead the people out of Egypt.
Where was Jesus born?
What did God do on the 7th day?
He rested
What kind of creature tempted Adam & Eve?
A snake
Name 2 out of the ten plagues.
water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock died, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children.
What were the first humans names?
Adam and Eve
Who brought Jesus gifts when he was born?
wise men
Name a ten commandment.
*Do not have other gods.
* Do not have idols
*Do not use the lords name in vain
*Keep the Sabbath
*Honor your mom and dad
* Do not kill
* Do not commit adultery
* Do not seal
*Do not lie
* Do not covet
What did people do to atone for their sins.
They sacrificed an animal.
What was the boat called that Noah built?
An Ark
What animal did the Israelites bow down to as an idol?
A cow
what is praying?
talking to God
How many books are in the Bible?
Who wrote the fist 5 books of the Bible?
What kind of food did God provide the Israelites with in the wilderness?
Quail and manna
How many descendants was Abraham promised?
As many as the stars in the sky.
How many sons did Jacob have?
(Hint there are this many tribes of Israel)
Who were the sons of Adam and Eve?
Cain and Abel