books in the bible
what is 66
What is the Bible?
what is: God's Word
The First Man & Woman
what is : Adam & Eve
what is Gods Name?
what is : JESUS
first 5 books of the bible
what is :1)Genesis 2)Exodus 3)Leviticus 4)Numbers 5)Deuteronomy
what gave Samson his Strength...
what is : His Hair
The Plagues of Egypt
what is: 10 plagues
amount of books in the OT(Old Testament)
what is 39 books
WHat does Bible Mean?
From what part of Adam's body did God create Eve?
The city Jesus was born in
what is : Bethlehem
What musical instrument did David play?
what is: The Harp or Lyre
Amount of Books in the NT (New Testament)
what is 27 books
name 3 different Bible Translations
KJV/NKJK/ NLT(new living translation), ICB, RVR1960/ NIV(New int version), NIRV(New INt Readers Version)...
the amount of sons that Jacob(aka Israel ) had
what is 12
1Matthew 2 Mark 3 Luke 4 John
what Language was the OT written in?
what is: Hebrew
the Author of the "Pentateuch"(the first 5 books of the Bible)
who is : Moses
How many books of the bible did the Apostle Paul write?
what is: 13-14 books
How many people were aboard Noah's Ark?
what is: 8
Noah,noah's wife,noahs 3 sons, Noahs 3 son's wives