Women of the Bible
Men of the Bible
Biblical Events
Basic Theology

The first woman created by God and is the wife of Adam.

Who was Eve?



Who died for my sins? /

Who gave His life for the sins of men? / 

Who was the Son of God? / etc.  


This occurred after God saw that the Earth was corrupt and filled with violence after He instructed Noah to build the Ark.

What was the Great Flood?


It is comprised of sixty-six (66) different books and is divided in two: Old and New Testament.

What is the Bible?


The current Pastor of High Acres Cross Bible Baptist Church.

Who is Ptr. Benedict Zambrano?


She was one of the witnesses of the Crucifixion and burial of Jesus and, famously, was the first person to see him after the Resurrection.

Who was Mary Magdalene?


He was a grandson of Abraham, and was the older twin of ______. He was a skilled hunter.

Who was Esau?


Moses stretched out his hand and the waters divided, allowing his followers safe passage. The Egyptians followed them but God again commanded Moses to stretch out his hand and the sea engulfed the army.

What happened at the parting of the Red Sea?


Believe in the Lord Jesus.

What must I do to be saved?


It takes 30 - 45 minutes.

How long does it take to travel from Baguio to High Acres Cross Bible Baptist Church?


A Moabite woman. She stayed with her mother-in-law after the death of her Israelite husband then won the love and protection of a wealthy relative through her kindness.

Who was Ruth?



Who was the bestfriend of David? /

Who was the son of Saul?


Jesus performed his first recorded miracle by turning water into high-quality wine, at the request of his mother Mary, when the hosts ran out of wine during the celebration; this event is described in the Gospel of John.

What was the miracle at the wedding in Cana?


A Christian doctrine that states that God is one being that exists as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

What is the Trinity?


These three couples took good care of the High Acres Camp.

Who were Lolo and Lola Caoili, Lolo and Lola Pahigon, Lolo and Lola _________?


The mother of John the Baptist, the wife of Zechariah and a relative of Mary, mother of Jesus that was mentioned in Luke 1:5-7.

Who was Elizabeth?


He was the bald prophet mentioned in II Kings 2:23-25. He succeeded the prophet who was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind and did not die.

Who was Elisha?


The Lord told Moses that he would send a heavy hailstorm that had never been seen before in Egypt. Moses stretched out his staff, and the Lord sent thunder, hail, and fire. The hail destroyed everything in the fields, including people, livestock, plants, and trees. The only area spared was Goshen, where the Israelites lived.

What was the Seventh Plague?


All believers, both living and dead, will be caught up into the air to meet Jesus Christ when he returns.

What is the Rapture?

These were the maiden surnames of the Ptr. Benedict's wife and Ptr. Macky's wife.

What is Idio and Abellera?



Who was the third wife of David, described as both intelligent and beautiful?


Son of the prophet Isaiah.

Who was Maher-shalal-hash-baz?


The apostles, who were gathered together in a single place, heard a sound like “a violent rushing wind” and saw “tongues like flames of fire” resting on each of them. God-fearing Jews who came to Jerusalem “from every nation under heaven” heard the apostles in their own respective languages. More than three thousand people are saved and added to the church that day.

What happened at the day of Pentecost?


The process of being made holy or set apart for God's use. It is a lifelong experience of God's grace that involves a change of heart, mind, and body:

What is Sanctification?

Missionary Elijah Rapada.
Who is our missionary to Papua New Guinea?