These are the first two Apostles to follow Jesus.
Peter and Andrew(Matthew 4:18-22)
This was Jesus first miracle.
Turning Water into Wine(John 2:1-11)
This biblical character mocked an opposing “god’s” inactivity by suggesting he was relieving himself.
Elijah(1 Kings 18:27)
This prophet was instructed to marry a prostitute and give his children strange names including “No Mercy” and “Not My People”.
This was the first ever "Silly Song"
The Water Buffalo Song
Jesus healed the Mother In-Law of this disciple.
Simon Peter(Matthew 8:14-15)
After Jesus fed the 5,000, this many baskets were left over.
Twelve(Matthew 14:20)
This apostle takes some time out of his gospel account to brag about being faster than Peter.
John(John 20:4)
This prophet was instructed to hide his underwear near the river Euphrates.
Jeremiah(Jeremiah 13:4-7)
In "The Toy That Saved Christmas" the bridge to this town was out.
This is the river Jesus was baptized in.
the River Jordan(Matthew 3:13)
Jesus used this many bread loves to fed 4000 people.
Seven(Matthew 16:10)
This biblical character hid the body of a murdered king of moab by claiming the king was using the toilet.
Ehud(Judges 3: 20-31)
This prophet had a conversation with a talking donkey.
Balaam(Numbers 22:28-30)
This is the color of Larry's SUV.
Baby Blue
This is the garden where Jesus prayed after the Last Supper.
Garden of Gethsemane(Mark 14:23)
Jesus raised this man's daughter from the dead.
Jairus(Mark 5:21-43)
his verse in the Contemporary English Version begins by stating “Don’t be Stupid”.
Ephesians 5:17
This Prophet was instructed by God to walk around naked for 3 years.
Isaiah(Isaiah 20:1-6)
This sequel to "The Star of Christmas" takes place on easter.
An Easter Carol
This is the location where Jesus performed His first miracle.
Cana(John 2:1)
This is what the Bible describes manna as tasting like.
Wafers made with honey(Exodus 16:31)
After peter had escaped prison and made his way to a house where his friends were praying, this servant girl was so excited to hear his voice that she ran of to tell the others with the door still closed, leaving Peter to continue knocking while his friends argued if it was really him.
Rhoda(Acts 12:13-16)
This Prophet was instructed to lie on his left side for 390 days and then eat a barley cake baked with human feces.
Ezekiel(Ezekiel 4:4-5, 12)
This character portrays two “Brothers” that have distinct character models. They can be identified by the size of their noses.
Mr. Nezzer