How old was Moses when he gave God's message to Pharaoh: "Let my people go?
What aged prophets hands were upheld by two persons and caused the armies of Israel to be victorious?
Who did Jesus say, "I will make you fishers of men"? to?
Simeon, Peter and Andrew
Who did God promise that his children should be in numbers as the stars in heaven?
What were the first words God spoke to man?
Be fruitful and multiply
Who restored Paul's sight after the Lord blinded him?
Who prophesized that Judah should be carried captive into babylon?
What was Jesus' last command to his disciples?
Make disciples of all the nations and baptize them
Of which person who was not of Abraham’s seed did God say, “I will make him a great nation?”
How did God manifest his presence at the dedication of the temple?
Fire came down from heaven
What does Paul say is the fulfillment of the law?
What was the first ever prophecy?
The victory over Satan of the seed of the woman
Who took Judas's place among the twelve?
What were the three major promises God gave to Abraham?
Seed, land, and blessing
What is the meaning of Jehovah Shammah?
Jehovah is there
When Saul was pursuing David, in which cave did David seek refuge?
Cave of Adullam
Which of the prophets was carried captive to Babylon?
Which apostle told Christ he had left all to follow him?
Who partook of a meal prepared by an angel, and was sustained forty days and nights while in the mountain?
On what three occasions are we expressly told that Jesus wept?
At the grave of Lazarus, over Jerusalem, and in Gethsemane
Who was the chief of the three mighty men of David?
The destruction of Nineveh was the fulfillment of whose prophecy?
The prophet Nahum
What two distinct promises did our Savior make to his disciples when he was about to leave them?
The gift of the Comforter and his own personal return
Who made the first confession to the Lord, as recorded in the Bible?
Quote the first and last words of our Savior while on earth?
“Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”; and, “It is finished”