What are the 4 Gospels in the New Testament called?
Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
What was the first commandment listed in the Ten Commandments?
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
What is the first miracle of Jesus?
Turning water into wine
In what river was Jesus baptized by John the Baptist?
The Jordan River
What disciple betrayed Jesus?
Who did Jesus call the "Comforter"?
The Holy Spirit
What's the longest book in the Bible?
How many loaves and fishes did Jesus feed the 5,000 with?
5 loaves and 2 fishes
Where was Jesus tempted by Satan for 40 days and nights?
In the wilderness
Who were the first 2 men chosen by Jesus to become His apostles and fishers of men?
Peter & Andrew
Many of the New Testament letters to churches were written by who
How did God Appear to Moses in the wilderness?
A burning bush
After being dead for 4 days, who did Jesus raise from the dead
what sea did Moses part to help his people escape from Pharaoh?
The Red Sea
After Jesus' arrest, which disciple denied knowing Jesus 3 times?
How did Judas end up revealing Jesus' identity to the roman officials?
He kissed him
What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai?
The 10 commandments
Who did Jesus cast 7 devils out of?
Mary Magdalene
Where did Jesus pray for God's will to be done before He was crucified?
Garden of Gethsemane
Which disciple said that Jesus loved him the most?
Which of the apostles had doubts about Jesus' resurrection until he saw Him with his own eyes?
Doubting Thomas
How were sins forgiven in the Old Testament?
Animal Sacrifice
Who did Jesus save when he was walking on water?
In what place was Jesus found when he was only 12 years old?
What did the disciples do when people brought their young children to Jesus?
Rebuked them