What is the last book of the old testament?
How many books are in the new testament?
Who wrote the book Acts?
Why was Daniel thrown into the lions den?
For praying
She deprived Samson of all his strength simply by having his hair cut.
What sign did God use to promise to Noah and the rest of the world that he would never flood the earth again?
A Rainbow
What is the shortest book in the new testament?
2nd John
How many Psalms are there in the bible?
What does David use to kill the giant, Goliath?
This man was sick for quite some time and died before Jesus arrived. When Jesus arrived however, he immediately raised him from the dead.
How long was Jonah in the belly of the whale?
3 days and 3 nights
Who is the high priest of Jerusalem who put Jesus on trial?
What are the gospels in the new testament?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
How long did the flood last for Noah?
40 days
This angel brought the news to Mary about her giving birth to Jesus, the Messiah.
Who was turned into a Pillar of Salt?
Lot's wife
Who baptizes Jesus?
John the Baptist
what is the shortest book in the bible?
Why was the Samaritan woman surprised that Jesus asked her for a drink of water?
Because the Jew's didn't deal with the Samaritans.
According to the Bible, who was the oldest man who ever lived?
How many books are in the old testament?
What disciple denies Jesus?
How many books are in the bible total?
God told Abraham to take his son Isaac to sacrifice, what was his reward for obeying God?
Many descendants.
He committed the first murder in the Bible.